Brazilian here

Just want to say the schizos on this board don't represent the opinion of the general population, most Brazilians don't like Bolsonaro and support Ukraine.

Attached: Flag-Pins-Brazil-Ukraine_600x600.jpg (400x320, 23.63K)

Based. Fuck imperialism defending "anti imperialist"


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Who the fuck cares what Brazilians think? Do you live in some mass hallucinations?

Lmfao, fucking mentally colonized slave, I hope you enjoy all that propaganda the U.S. has been pumping into your brains. Don't forget to catch your capeshit movie binge later this evening, bro!

t. RT watcher


Why do you care so much about what foreigners think? Brazil being neutral in this war is purely for economical reasons

No, most Brazilians support Russia, as it should be. If you want to be a snowflake and support Ukraine,that's up to you, but dont try to paint Brazilians in general as anti-Russia

What could possibly make you think, even for one single second, that you're somehow qualified to speak on behalf of the Brazilian "general population"? You're just one random person you dumb fuck

no one cares what Brazilians think about it, just stop making threads about yourself

I will never stand with imperialism and genocide.

The countries that import our crops fed by russian fertilizers do

You seem to care a lot, actually

Just because I don't support the west doesn't mean I cocksuck Russia. The enemy of my enemy is my friend (for the time being)

i care because I have to read through endless brbr threads on the main page

Jesus fucking christ, my flag embarrasses me in this board, stop with the fucking craving for European attention and approval
No one in the world fucking thinks about Brazil that's not related to bunda, football or beaches

The internet is ours, northron

Attached: bp13.jpg (990x659, 441.76K)

It's the manlet brigade
Trust me paga knows

Yes, we have to spread awareness about our country in this international forum after the western media tarnished our image for decades due to shady interests

Dont like Bonoro
Feel sad for Ukraine people
Dont like Putin
Dont like Biden
Don like NATO
I'm a neutral chad

kys NATO dog

Do brazilians really think Russia isn't degenerate?
Have you ever been to Russia or met russians?
fucking retards

99% of the apezilians posting here have never left their favela

>western media tarnished our image

lol, no one cares about Brazil, you're completely irrelevant and even Ukraine, a country 5x smaller than yours attracts way more attention, just deal with it

It sure seems that way

I don't care about sides. I just want the destruction of NATO and the USA. I'd support the devil if this could be achieved.
I don't care about >muh degeneracy boogeyman

>the enemy of my enemy

Hahaha Chud your enemy is your bad untermentsch genes solely

>you're completely irrelevant and even Ukraine, a country 5x smaller than yours attracts way more attention, just deal with it

Yes, and you wonder why it happens? The neutralization of our potential by foreign powers in the north has been strong and going on since the fall of our empire

At least it isn't Detroit
Reminder that Portugal is neither white nor European