How do you buy condoms in your country?

how do you buy condoms in your country?
do you look the casher in the eye?

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u VILL fuck ze bag

i fuck my hand

i used to be a supermarket cashier, people tend to throw them in with large orders so no one notices. and it's always a woman buying them, 10 times out of 10.

same way i buy anything else
with my debit card


Online like any sane person

You get them from vending machines here.
You buy a token at the checkout and simply choose it from the vending machine, the same vending machines sell, condoms, snus, cigarettes, and razor blades

Used to just go up and buy, which would be very awkward. Now I order it.

I buy magnum xl, throw in a jar of coconut oil, cosmo magazine, scented bath salts, handle of vodka, and a small watermelon. I pick the hottest female cashier and then strike up a conversation with them, asking them about their plans for the weekend. I make eye contact the whole time. I do this once a week.

Just buy them? Never thought too much about since sex is a normal thing.

you have a good imagination

self checkout

Why would I be ashamed of having sex? Is it a catholic sin or something?

I have to pre-order them and have them delivered because I cant just buy condoms anywhere because my cock is too big

22cm and its pretty bulky aswell

My fellow countrymen are a bunch of cocklets, literally nobody sells my size

They feel awful, im not buying that shit.

But before I knew I once went on a spree around like 15 stores asking them for condoms my size, it became less weird and got pretty used to it by the end

I buy them online desu, much more choice and cheaper prices

some people somehow never grow out of being embarrassed by sex-related things
the cashier at the pharmacy has people come through buying their prescriptions for every goddamn thing you can think of
they aren't going to raise an eyebrow at a pack of condoms

I look the cashier in teh eye while makin kissy face at her

In spain they have vending machines for them everywhere but in the UK you can only find vending machines for them in airport bathrooms

I've never bought any so I imagine if I need to I'll have to go to a physical shop

Yes, never leave eye contact and smile

I don’t

I have never bought a condom because I have never fucked

I knew a guy that autistically researched the "best" brand online (mostly through r/sex) and always bought this specific brand, but it was all a waste of time because he had erectile dysfunction

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Ordering them on Amazon

Have to supply myself in pharmacy unfortunately, dick not long, but wide and shit that available in general stores is to tight and it is make me not only uncomfortable but also painful.

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self checkout