Reddit is about to have a civil war over Ukraine bullshit

Reddit is about to have a civil war over Ukraine bullshit

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Very credible...

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I honestly feel like I'm living in another dimension whenever I visit Reddit.
Like yeah, fuck Putin. But Reddit seriously thinks he's getting annihilated in the war and Ukraine has a 30:1 kd

what happens when Russia wins

Putler dead in a bunker

their country explodes because they have no more money

They can sell their daughters to Chinese businessmen

severe sanctions for russia worldwide and their country would just die, same for ukraine
dead people, starvation, misery, more refugees, more conflicts on itself

>Russia annexes Ukraine
>Putin then willingly signs treaty to dissolve Russia and have every Russian Oblast (including new Ukrainian ones) become Chinese provinces
>sanctions on Russia no longer apply because Russia no longer exists
BOOM total Eurasianist victory, globohomo shocked!!!!

People are thinking as if China is a infinite pit that can generate surplus money. No, the combined economies of EU+US+Japan+Korea is around 2.5x that of China. Russia is fucked in the short run. Time will tell if annexing Ukraine was a victory or a great blunder.

Only Europe and Russia had deeply interconnected economies, and China has a bigger economy than the EU. Further economic integration with China and the rest of Asia as Europe is forced to decouple with Russia to please the Atlanticist overlords just makes Russia economically Asian now, and it was already treated as politically Asian. This will just be marked as the moment Russia went from Eurasian to a fully Asian society and political entity.

the new ukrainian puppet government will be "openminded" to the west in a soft way, start to do damage control, and ask the west to lift the sanctions, and eventually the west will do so.

The Russian invasion is much faster than the American invasion of Iraq that had a coalition of more than 50 countries participate in it and with much lower civilian causalities.
The Russian might have tactical failures and misshapes but on the grand battlefield they are winning so far, it has to be seen how they'll deal with urban warfare in Kharkov and kiev though.

You're overestimating sanctions, ask cuba

you have to go back

No it doesn't change society in any way

They should just starve those cities into submission and cut off internet access. Sure some photos and internet activity about muh poor hungry hohols would still get out but it still keeps the infrastructure and is better optics than bombing. Trying to directly fight any urban guerilla is stupid.

What's with all the arm chair Generals?

True, Russian society was already morphed into one of Asiatic despotism centuries ago.

World war 3

Cubans have had a heavily nationalized economy for a long time. They also wen through hard(er) times when their only trading partner dissolved.

that's because cuba has an actual political ideology that can sustain itself with severe sanctions
ukraine? russia? not so much

Russia is a food productor unlike cuba, and its most definitely more nationalized, so they have better odds, specially xonsidering they ain't even cutting trading with countries like china

Russia can aswell sustaint itself, is not a democracy, is under a head of state that works like a monarchy, if it needs to change its own economy it will

China gets a new sex toy

Russia has better geography and resources but Cuba and DPRK definitely have better governments to withstand the western led global siege against them. It will be interesting to see how the Russian political system copes with this.


The US barely traded with Russia actually. It was something like 6% of Russia's trade. 90% of Russian trade is with Europe and China.

Russian society in 2000s and 2010s morphed into a modern developed culture while you devolved into neoliberal abomination

You've always been a mongolian clan based society vladimir