What's your opinion on the nation of Serbia and the Serbian people?

What's your opinion on the nation of Serbia and the Serbian people?

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Like Russians but worse

shit eaters

they seem cool

nato did nothing wrong, get fucked

personally I like that nation and those people

I am half Croatian diaspora

I want a war to break out so i can kill S*rb subhuman trash

Fuck this country, filthy and should be genocided

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Coldsteel the hedgehog of Europe

They could have had it all...but then they decided they wanted 'Greater Serbia.'

My great grandfather was seen, they make some good tout golushka

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if anyone's gonna chimp out and start killing balkaners it's them so they are based in my book


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Serbs are assholes. But they are our assholes.

Mostly okay but their Putinbots are cringe af ngl

Israelis sent tons of weapons and other military materials to Serbia during the civil wars, while Ashkenazim in the US were lobbying for more intense bombings of Belgrade and ground troops

The duality of Jew

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And russia is handling them rn

Kosovo is Albanian
Timoc and Banat are Romania
Morava Valley is Bulgarian
Sandjak is Bosnian