American small town superiority sends the entire world into an uncontrollable seething rage

American small town superiority sends the entire world into an uncontrollable seething rage

Im here to facilitate that rage, and you can help. Simply tell me your state and Ill post its comfiest small town.

Attached: Vermont.jpg (1000x667, 1.4M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks lovely user

looking fot places to move user, just post all 50 so i can peruse them at my leisure

>Simply tell me your state and Ill post its comfiest small town.
do it

Attached: 7017999_postcard_tomoffinland_hires.jpg (591x833, 139.98K)

Im here to help fren but I only have so much time to kill. When anons post a state Ill post the town until I run out of time.

Attached: Idaho.jpg (1887x1264, 3.17M)

New England looks so comfy. Is it filled with undesirables now?

New England should ask for independence

By far the Whitest part of the country, and it shows

Attached: New Hampshire.jpg (1384x924, 85.67K)


Attached: FJVUrlgUYAELZRs.jpg (1200x1200, 92.84K)

Attached: Nevada.jpg (725x500, 84.42K)


Attached: 1645209743025.png (570x476, 47.25K)

Im surprised if its possible to find comfy small town in nevada that aint trailer park or urban sprawl of las vegas.

West Virginia please.

Attached: Connecticut.jpg (4256x2832, 1.57M)

Attached: West Virginia.jpg (3456x2304, 1.98M)


underrated state

Attached: Georgia.jpg (919x500, 105.52K)

Attached: 226.png (200x193, 30.63K)

It looks great until you try to find a job there.

t. from regular Virginia, know West Virginian refugees.

Attached: Virginia.jpg (2048x1365, 712.75K)

>It looks great until you try to find a job there.
not wagie so i dont really care, would be perfect state for me.

We dab on Culpeper in every way, including having a better downtown.

t. Charlottesville

>be doctor
>moving to USA would require USMLE exams
>I'd need to relearn all the useless basic science shit like organic chemistry
>my shitty grades would also be taken into account
>I'd need to do unpaid internships to gain "US clinical experience"
>surgical residencies are next to impossible to get for foreigners
>basically limited to family medicine and internal medicine
>even then low chances as a foreign graduate
>every residency application costs money
>if I fail I just lost two years of my life I could have spent applying for residency spots here

Attached: reeee.jpg (665x662, 184.37K)

Have you considered not being White? Guaranteed entry ngl

Attached: annapolis.jpg (1400x800, 265.98K)

is this you?

>dies from fentanyl