Wtf is wrong with his face

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xi looks concerned

Fake smile

fuck the society

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Bolsonaro will convert to chinese soon

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new 'jak template waiting to happen

he's melting, like seemingly every other leader of a major nation
the average age of these cunts seems to be like 90 these days

Stop giving, retards, ideas

Too much sun. God, I hate white people, but white people living in hot places are the worst. Fucking nazis.

Xi: Look at me, I am the Brazilian now

The neck

Or rather lack of it

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I refuse to belive east asians can see as much as people with normal eyes

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What the fuck did he mean by this?

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These are the candidates for this year's election

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Side effects of high doses of cocaine. It's a very well known fact here.

Lack of it? It's the opposite if anything. He has a tiny head over a huge neck.

Yep im thinking its LVLA time

where's Moro

Bolso Anime thread

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We always had a neutral stance on world shenanigans, even Bolsonaro who's a known US bootlicker didn't voted to condemn Russia's claims. Only condemned the war itself and call for peace, it's our state's modus operandi.

me too or ciro

Lula chads... it's our time

>it's another episode of westerners thinking we will side with them for absolutely no reason

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I thought Bolsonaro was just a Trump bootlicker

Nice to see Lula and the six men who'll lose against him in one image.

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Yea true, but him and his supporters still think the US is some force of good that never do anything wrong. Even other right wingers hate them because they pretty much tarnished the word "Patriot" here. Now everytime someone says he's a patriot here, people already link you with a mongrel complexes US bootlicker, like how most of Bolso supporters are.

Did Brazil sanction NATO for the countless wars of the last decades? No. Then why should they change their position when it comes to the ukraine?

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we are a temp member of the UNSC we cannot support russia if we want to have a permanent seat

Our right wingers are as confused as yours. But they're mostly a mix between pro european traditionalism (catholicism, feudalism) and american hard capitalism. They try to fit Brazil between these two, create our own version of these and simply trash everything that doesn't fit this narrative. Bolsonaro likes Putin and autocrats because "strong leader" and talks about God a lot, but he also likes ukraine's "freedom" and neonazis, but he, as most fascists in the world, hates western leftists like Biden and Macron. That's his position, he's simply a fascist.

>Our right wingers are as confused as yours. But they're mostly a mix between pro european traditionalism (catholicism, feudalism) and american hard capitalism. They try to fit Brazil between these two, create our own version of these and simply trash everything that doesn't fit this narrative. Bolsonaro likes Putin and autocrats because "strong leader" and talks about God a lot, but he also likes ukraine's "freedom" and neonazis, but he, as most fascists in the world, hates western leftists like Biden and Macron. That's his position, he's simply a fascist.

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