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left or right?

Attached: Asian vs white.jpg (1080x810, 167.48K)

We drive on the right

i have yellow fever

In this case, Left.

i can't decide


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left, but only because right is a dime a dozen here.

i'm not sorry

The blonde is half Finnish so her.


the one that has the most round boobas

left, right looks fake as fuck

I need to see their vulvas first

why do you faggots have yellow fever

neither. southern european brunettes only.

idk I don't know anything about them


they can't get a white girl


I don't, but I would guess anime/manga, or porn/stuff you see on internet

both of them at the same time

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Left. Inb4 someone calls me an incel for CHOOSING MY OWN RACE FUCK YOU.

Haha j/k I'm not that sensitive

Right is wife, left is mistress.

Left a Qt.
Right an awfully looking fugly man.

Not a fan of bowlegs, so right

Left is cuter, right has manlier faces

You're not East Asian

Sweden, left

I can only choose after i dump their faces in a bucket of water. Makeup is a crime to mankind.


>I can only choose after i dump their faces in a bucket of water. Makeup is a crime to mankind.

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Interesting but also a little bit pathetic.