Brits be like

Brits be like
mmmmm yummy!

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On God?

honestly never even knew this was a thing till i heard foraign people talk about it

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The jelly might make you gag if you're not used to the texture in your mouth but otherwise it's pretty good, not something you eat regularly though

You guys say the same thing every time your cuisine is disgraced.

This kek

What is it? I thought it was frozen oysters at first

jellied eels.

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I don't really get it. Why are the English so subhuman? What the fuck is going on in England that you'd need to et shit like that? I'm Anglo-Australian and the thought of eating shit like that turns my stomach, how was the past so impossibly grim there?

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Despite what you think, eels are actually an indicator of good water quality, they're not like the carps polish people eat on christmas that are bottom feeders, live in extremely dirty water and are extremely cheap. Eels can be extremely tasty, especially unagi, its the fact that they're cold, jellied, and all slimy that makes them taste bad in that dish.
jellied eels specifically have been a popular fast food option back in the 19 century in england

Its a bit rank though hey. Give me a hamburger or some seared salmon Nigiri

I would unironically try it. Appearance wise it may look disgusting but I bet it would taste delicious.

I like eel I don't know why someone would look at them and think 'this needs more jelly'

to be fair it looks about as unappetizing and fishy as your average piece of flip "cuisine"

they taste almost exactly like pickled herring, so its not like it tastes bad, the problem for me personally is the jellied texture.

yeah we do mutt
oh yeah we do
mmmm eel

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you cant talk about cuisine dog eater
eels lovely

Eel can be delicious, you fuckers just don't know how to cook.

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>the english dont know how to roast meat
good wan chink rutt

chinks eat far more eels than you do, Barry

Why you brits still eat as if you still were rationing food?

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far more dogs as well
in fact
ive never eaten a dog.... unless your mum counts

>Oi bruv you got a problem with me food. British grub is world class simple as ya nonce. Pie and mash with parsley, I'd like to see the pakis make that.

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do young brits still eat tripe these days? or is it only old people

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