
Attached: photo21.jpg (565x565, 34.32K)

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>"great" shitain



camden market sex arse

still never have understood this gimmick

pooey bloke arse

that mosley guy was a proper incel looked like a virgin too

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Hot picture. Looks like you just got in from a date and you pinned her on the bed

Dogberg pissing me the fuck off. Should’ve trained the little cunt to not beg for food.

For the guy saying Russia should nuke themselves as a show of force, they already unironically did just that already during the cold war.
Although admittedly, they did it on isolated arctic islands so in total only a couple dozen elderly native Siberian Inuit types and a few thousand reindeer died.

bringing back the codpiece in solidarity with ukraine

just got out my coma lads, why are people wearing facemasks? is summin going on in russia or summin? gagging for a bacon sarnie

the lads are all here

Smiths era Morrissey sex arse

any of you joining the ukraine foreign legion?

peppa pig sex arse

appears if someone booby trapped my sex arse, bits of willy all over the wall

no point in getting a dog really

Mosley's a good argument for why I could never support fascism. Aristocratic/bourgeois parasites like him should be beheaded by leather-clad communist chekists.

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past 3 threads were painfully unfunny looks like this will be too

Nasty bit of flu going around, symptoms include a sudden urge to travel or be around large gatherings and asking people about their medical history.

mainframe sex arse

respect communists more than c*ntrists

communists at least take their retarded morality to its logical end

plus you have to be a right fucking weirdo and i can respect that

Clint Dempsey sex arse

britain cries out for radical centrism

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fucks sake man left my benjamin disraeli sex arse on the bus again

I would but I'm a transsexual

mad how I could have done loads of good things in life but didn't

shaun ryder sex arse

We nuked Australia like a real Empire would

John McCririck sex arse

wonder how many brain cells i've lost from picking my nose too vigorously

Mex arse

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your tail's not over yet, don't let your climax read regret, the greatest you I haven't met - I'm hoping to soon!

you lot really are gimps

gagging for another tbqf

Everyone moaning about Russia invading will be happy to hear that Ukraine is now accepting foreign volunteers to fight against Russia. You can book your flights to Poland or Moldova right now and cross the border at your leisure. Post some pics on /brit/ for the lads when you arrive

Brian Lara's International Sex Arse 2005

Hiroko Takashiro sex arse

Fascism and Nazism are the most homoerotic of ideologies, which is why they try so hard to purge gays from their ranks and fail so miserably at it.

read somewhere that an abo tribe's first contact with the white man was seeing a nuclear explosion

Hahaha just thought of a funny one

Eddie Stobart sex arse

where's your bollocks made I'll line one up

The EU is going to supply russian made fighter jets to Ukraine

picked a hole in mine when i was 7 me

nigga said come in next tuesday then asked where i am on Monday morning

haha yeah good one that, would be all green wouldnt it

*Green river by ccr starts playing*

Remember when the Vietnamese BTFO the Imperialist French and USA and then their communist Chinese neighbors immediately tried to invade them for no reason and then also got BTFO lmaoooooooooooo I remember i don't think the tankie does

bob the builder sex arse

bet they thought it was god or something haha

Zachy sex arse

pol pot sex arse

>Peaky blinders writers burying their heads in the sand

Mao Zedong sex arse...

Heartily encourage every British leftist to go there and face down the full fury of the Fascist Army of Putin (FAP for short)

Ho Chi Minh Sex Arse

just like da movies

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fray bentos sex arse

sex arse just flew over my house

Simon Weston sex arse

>The Russian rouble has nose-dived nearly 20% - plunging to a new record low versus the US dollar
absolute state of this gigantic nation of virgins

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Expert here. In case of a draft, there's a method of dodging that doesn't fuck you over.
A lot of retards think they can get out of military service by claiming they hate niggers, Jews, faggots, or are disloyal to the US government. All this is going to do is get you sent to prison and to lose all of your gun rights. Or you'll just be used as cannon fodder.

However, there's a very high IQ way to get out of service. Ted Nugent did it, and it worked:
>A week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. poop, piss the whole shot. My pants got crusted up... I was a walking, talking hunk of human poop... those guys in uniform couldn't believe the smell... they had a urine test and I couldn't piss, But my poop was just like ooze, man, so I poop in the cup and put it on the counter. I had poop on my hand and my arm. The guy almost puked. I was so proud.

Yes, it's really that simple.
You just have to PISS AND SHIT YOUR PANTS!
>Poop + pee = no draft for me!

You won't be imprisoned for treason, nor will you lose your gun rights!

They'll just give you a medical exemption:

>Medical Conditions That Can Keep You from Joining the Military
>f. Anorectal
>(2) Anal or rectal polyp, prolapse, stricture or INCONTINENCE...
>Urinary System
>c. Enuresis or INCONTINENCE OF URINE beyond age 12

That's all you need to do to avoid the draft, Champ. Just poop and pee your pants! Nobody likes a poopy-pants

Just remember this aphorism:
>Poop + pee = no draft for me!
It's so easy, you can begin practicing now
Don't be a pussy incel cuck
>Poop + pee = no draft for me!

russians can redeem themselves by giving us pootins head on a stick

Che Guevara or Fidel Castro sex arse? Hmm....

haha sex arse very funny lads. gets funnier every time you post it. fucking morons

Ringing work up tomorrow to see if i can get paid leave to fight in the war

king arthur sex arse

hiram abiff sex arse

Commies are very often bent and vegan
In fact every commie I've met has been either or both

excited for lunch

/brit/ sex arse

Come to Emu Field.

Attached: rosemarylaing_onedozenconsiderations_emu-web.jpg (2000x954, 1.15M)

30% now

just saw a massive wall of words pop up in my peripheral vision

desmond tutu sex arse

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi sex arse

dont like it you know where the door is

and just like that, the 'sex arse' gimmick went from mildly amusing to absolute dogshit

well played as always lads, you fucking cretins

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It's a good look.

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by the end of the year they'll be selling their gas in roubles and everyone will be buying them like crazy to buy said gas
means while everyone will be dumping the dollar and yankistan will suffer hyperinflation