Hungary is the only country separating my country from ukraine

Hungary is the only country separating my country from ukraine

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jerk me off bro
it could be the last thing you do

stop being gay

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty
Tell me that you want to hold me
Tell me that you want to bore me
Tell me that you gotta show me
Tell me that you need to slowly

You think they're gonna stop any Russian advance...?

I hope magyarbros will defend us

hungary, ukraine, russia is only country separate you from mongolia, north korea, china.

We are the original slavslaughterers, just let us handle the situation

The germans are waking up. Sigh. The sleeping giant has awoken. Someone keep the germans from killing everyone opposing nato in 3 years. They go overboard with the killing.

for fucks sake me brother is studying in pecs right now hopefully the war doesn't escalate that far.

*The Ukraine

that's one of if not the biggest copes I have ever read on this site
we got totally buckbroken during the turkish occupation? who came to repopulate the abanoned lands?

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Thanks user but this seems unlikely.
We have the most spineless government right now we ever had.

I mean that is the big issue. If the germans get really fired up because they have a war zone a 4 hour drive or 2 hour train ride away.
Germans get excited, they go autism into war things, millions die to the east. Repeat. So dont let the germans go too crazy or be too calm.

I will come (inside your women) to repopulate your abandoned lands in 2023

Reply for
It is like a light switch with you guys. Canadians are the same way.

That sounds pretty scary bro, stay safe

okay nice fanthasies turk

>we got totally buckbroken
*who got

Don’t worry. You will be fine.

More spineless than Schröder?

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We are next we and balts

It's either us for transit to Kaliningrad or Latvia for... well you know how they are.

This is probably what people were telling one another in the early days of WWI and WWII.
>that war is far away
>you will be fine

so give russians 3 hours and they are there.

lol. welcome to the club. putin timed this perfectly.
