
stupid war edition


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chud posts below

Aren't the poltard and the fujotard the same person and that's why they aren't seen at all today?

what a chud lmoa

> j*ws at it again

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Went on the LRT today, an old man walked in without covering his face with a mask and some Chinese lady who was seats away came up to him and told him to wear a mask

indog khutbah tomorrow;

Ini karena orang orang rusia dan ukraina banyak maksiat makanya diazab perang! dilaknat alloh! banyak prostitusi! narkoba! makanya jangan maksiat! pembunuh muslim chechnya!!!! takbeeeer!!!!!

Wear the mask chud.

>khutbah jumlah

Where's fujoanon? I want to rape her.

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man creates, yet he only create problems.
man destroys, yet he only destroy good things.

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that would be the plottwist of the century

Soyjak that post

Would you?
>ice skater
>med stud

I hate rich kids so much

Thanks I will give it a try.

You couldn't save her.

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I don’t care about poor people



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>Americans will ruin russian qts if they win

Indog khutbah tomorow;

Menag biadab setelah melarang menggunakan speker untuk adzan sekarang menyamakan adzan dengan gongggongan anjing, umat islam semakin dintindas dan dinkengkang di rezim antek antek PKI Jokowi laknatullah