Lets fucking gooooooooooooooooooo

lets fucking gooooooooooooooooooo

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If this shit happens, I hope they also take Transnistria

KYS retard

Only you can overthrow your NATO-captured government.

Time to return to your ancestral home, Polish man...

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If ruskie success and take ukraine down we're next. Maybe in a few decades, but they will invade us sooner or later.

You figure? I think the order will me Moldova -> Kazakhstan (Belarus-style union state) -> Finland -> Baltics

>lets fucking gooooooooooooooooooo
lmao you're next

Man how about you take your country back from niggers first

are you really going to make the same mistake?
participating in the dismemberment of czechoslovakia got you negative press

only on Any Forums


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lmao. why stop there, head on to chisinau

I feel sorry for the Ukrainians, they don't deserve this. On the other hand, from a geopolitical point of view it is great news, NATO is nothing more than Anglo-Yankee imperialism and the world needs multipolarity for the good of humanity.

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Lets have a deal, polack

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God damn son you truly are putinbot shill, you post in every thread russian propaganda

What the fuck Jorge?


that's bullshit, the NATO never supported anyone's expansionist wet dreams, think of Turkey with Syria or curds, of the UK with Nasser' Egypt back in the days, anyone who thinks that the NATO is in any form imperialist is a edgy teenager who automatically assumes the opposite of what he hears on the news

Subhuman incels have a tendency to suck Putin's cock, what do you think Jorge was going to do


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Lel, pathetic. NATO is not going to lift a finger if any country or terrorist group attacks Italy or Portugal, you can be sure of that.

Is that the same one who is also a general or something in north korea? fucking kek


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why would NATO intervene in case of a terrorist attack you moron? anyways looks like NATO is indeed useless even when it comes to defence, think of how stupid is saying that it's an evil imperialistic entity


Surprisingly, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is only interested in protecting political treaties in the north atlantic.

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Precisely for that, macaroni head. Any military alliance that does not contemplate the fight against terrorism, which is today another form of war, is totally useless. NATO can be useful for Yankee interests, just that.