"Oh yeah guys don't worry the war will be over by Christmas"

"Oh yeah guys don't worry the war will be over by Christmas"

War continues on for 4 more years

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Is Ukraine also a criminal nation?

yeah says the same person who's ancestors commited more war crimes than soviets did in ww2

There are already Russian tanks outside Kharkov.

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Honestly what the fuck is there to do? We (the West) don't want Russia to invade Ukraine particularly but its not like we really give a fuck. War with Russia is something that we definitely don't want. Its neither here or there but Putin seems to be gambling on the fact that its just not worth it

Can't wait to see if the US would intervene again cuz the only westoids that are helping them rn are the french and they are situated in nato bases in moldova.

Canada also dropped their troops... In Latvia as if it helps lmao

how are the French helping Ukraine? Surely not with direct military support

Oh shit i didn't knew this

No like they deployed some troops in the moldovian region of romania, just in case shit goes down

Germany sent 3 Eurofighters to Romania too, and we have troops in Lithuania
those are just NATO deployments, not support for Ukraine

Like i said, if shit goes down

They are there to die to prove that Canada is ready to defend Daugavpils from Russian troops

South Park episode didn't air so I guess its a happening episode tomorrow

The russians really want to reunite the soyviet union don't they?

>Ukraine is the nigger if countries

you said the French are the only ones who are helping Ukraine

No since the Soviets gave the Ukraine all that land to begin with. They want the Russian empire back.


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the end goal of russia is to end euro-atlanticsm. this cant be dkne without containing or restricting nato

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>if shit goes down
Russia will save Europe from wite zenocide

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The russian """"federation""""

Just a friendly reminder, don't cry if the russians and the chinese anex your mainland


The CJNG will eat you alive