How is this gonna help?

How is this gonna help?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It won’t, but being virtue signaling pussies is the only thing people in this country know how to do anymore

thoughts and prayers!

Trannies have destroyed the US

1 like = 1 prayer

Pray to Jesus and he will show da miracle

Its really giant mech and its a covert threat to watch out.

twitter clout

It takes off and nukes Moscow.



Attached: prayer.png (579x222, 22.57K)

Most powerful weapon on earth?

putinbros.. it's already over

public opinion
at this point it's important considering how many retards in western countries are actually supporting Putin

What about blm movement? Did the us forget about the atrocities of a white man? What about trans rights?

Everyone is bored of nogs now.

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people who support putin would never be swayed by this though

You said it sister. Ukrainian lives don’t matter until Black Lives Matter!

but how much like does it takes to kill a ruski? 10?

they haven't forgotten

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You need to understand that the average modern American SOLELY lives for public validation via social media. It guides their every action, and control their psyche. This person doesn't care about Ukraine, they care about attention.

I just had it that's it man that was it... I'm done..

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Now that's a discussion I am willing to support

Nigs have a severe case of Inferiority complex

Go enlist tough guy.

they would be intimidated into silence by mob mentality going overwhelmingly pro-Ukraine

I am willing to FIGHT and DIE for gay rights in Ukraine
You RUSKIs better watch the FUCK out

they have their own outlets online

Putin bros, we got too cocky...

>*puts a ukraine flag in pfp*
Your move Ivan.

1 like = 1 prayer

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it sends hopes and prayers to ukraine

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funny how shizo boomers and twitter leftists finally found common ground

>the last thing a r*ssian soldier sees

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slavs is black tho das right

I dont know where the word slacktivism went when we needed it the most.

is that cat going in or out?

>Go enlist tough guy.

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