Why are Pirates always associated with the Caribbean?

If I'm not mistaken it happened all over the world. It happened in Asia and in Africa right? Why are Pirates and pirate life/culture ALWAYS linked with the Caribbean?

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It's because of the movies

Because the most famous pirates were from the Caribbean

please explain because China and Japan had cool pirates

no one made movies about those pirates yet

Maybe since the pirate age occured later on in the western world and is more remembered. China has had pirates for thousands of years and even we've been pirates for like 2000+ years, one of us who was a pirate brought islam to sir lanka

umm pic related is based on a real Chinese pirate

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west indian countries are based

ummm but why haven't the Chinese made pirate movies before Americans huh?

Superior aesthetic

Because the Caribbean was the place where pirates actually managed to form their own independent "nation".

tropical aesthetic exists in other parts of the world.


The Golden Age of Piracy happened in the Caribbean, that's why

Anglos focusing on anglos.

because western piracy is inextricably linked to the age of exploration which is one of the most important eras of human history and what made piracy this sort of ideal. also nobody cares about things outside of their cultural scope

The French and Spanish were in on it too.

>also nobody cares about things outside of their cultural scope
the caribbean is outside north america
i think everyone hated the spanish

The Dunkirkers, bro
>but privateers don't count
Privateering is just when your piracy is sanctioned by the crown

>the caribbean is outside north america
who the fuck is talking about north america? the caribbean was subject to western piracy, the conquistadors were going around in south america but obviously it's a big deal to the fucking spanish

Tallship vs tallship is the peak of human conflict, the only other period of piracy that matches the infamy of the Caribbean is the Indian Ocean and that was just tallships vs gallies which is less cool.

Caribbean Pirates weren't rich and they were so few of them. The only one that mattered was Henry Avery. What kind of golden age is that?

On the other hand South China Sea piracy in the 1500s-1700s was massive, with pirate fleets travelled in huge fleets of hundreds of ships terrorizing local and European shipping, and Japanese & Chinese pirate lords were so wealthy they founded pirate-kingdoms in Japanese Islands and in Taiwan.

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Americans created pirates of the caribbean franchise not spain.

It wasn't about the money, it was about the unparalleled level of freedom they had in their activities and how half the time they could do whatever they wanted as long as they attacked ships of a country that wasn't theirs.

I mean yeah but you dont hear about those as much as the famous brits

François L'Olonais was pretty infamous

Pretty sure its about the money, and many Caribbean pirates were often privateers on the employ of some crown.

ummm sweaty there were no pirates in the caribbean only noble privateers serving their crown's best interests

As I said before, the line between pirate and privateer was purely "your piracy is sanctioned by the crown"

kinda sus

>golden age of piracy happened in the Carribean
According to Eurocentrists

yeah but if we talk about modern pirates it's always Somalia

Never heard of him desu. But its from books i read as a kid so mostly remember blackbeard, captain kidd and those. But thats on me and cant blame lack of knowledge. Should read up on it more I loved pirates and all that stuff.

>Pretty sure its about the money
Actually no, most people became pirates because they were born into some position in life where piracy was at least SOME chance at a better life. A lot of escaped slaves became pirates.

He's wrong anyway, the Golden Age of Piracy also happened in the indian ocean, the north american coast, and the west african coast. It refers to a specific time period, not a location.

He's infamous for cutting out an enemy's heart and eating it one time, and just being really brutal in general.

he was a french lunatic that hated spaniards, his life was pretty cool and he got dismembered and eaten by natives

>he got dismembered and eaten by natives
which country?

Olonais died in Panama

damn. kinda cool way to go out tho

Oh that's pretty cool! Need to read more about him.