How has browsing this website positively and negatively impacted you?

How has browsing this website positively and negatively impacted you?

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So much unearned wisdom combined with unhealthy toxic mindsets.

I thought Any Forums was negatively affecting me until I realize I live in Brazil. If you think websites are impacting it is probably escapism from a shitty enviornment.

a little more racist and I am more conscious of race now when I walk outside


I waste too much time here and don't go to bed, otherwise it actually helped my mental state a lot and it also made me a lot less sensitive

i say slurs now and also i'm a bit more racist than before

I’m more bitter now

I bullied an Argentinian person for being black after receiving my racial education on Any Forums.

Negatively. I use this shithole as a social outlet instead of trying to socialize irl.

It's a toxic environment but it clearly shows what people want or afraid of which is nice. Great place if you have a thick skin and is not afraid of banter or discussions that consist of accusing you of something that your country has done a century ago

>it also made me a lot less sensitive
I still remember when I first started browsing Any Forums. I was really shocked at how mean people were being. I have really changed. Maybe not being sensitive is good but then again, maybe not all of the time.

I learned that incels are the most subhuman people

you get what you deserve just as the rest of us shithole dwellers

Haven't ate at an Indian restaurant since I learned the truth about the shitting streets

Not being as sensitive anymore was really good for me. I tried to kill myself as a teen and even did cringe shit like cutting my arms, Any Forums made me realize how retarded I was acting and I'm honestly far better of now. I think I even got a bit of self esteem now. It's cozy here and Any Forums is one of the nicer boards anyway

I became more retarded

First I was red-pilled on hating non-whites. Now I want to fuck a black women and realized these fuckheads are worrying about shit that doesn't really matter to me.

I was red-pilled. I'd be balls deep in some landwhale right now, but this site made me realize I need to have standards
I'm too jaded and insecure to talk to women now.

This website is my only outlet for social connection. It’s the only way i can talk to people and have an opinion.

In real life i don’t talk, without this website i think i will legit kill myself because it could be months before i talk to another human being.

What opinion do you have that is only acceptable here?

it's killing time while I wait for elden ring