Whats your opinion about feudalism, Any Forums?

whats your opinion about feudalism, Any Forums?

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Techno feudalism is ahead of us
Not a fan

probably the most logical conclusion of human social hierarchy although unfair

Who on earth in the 21st century would have a positive opinion of it?

My ancestors :)

discord incels

it's better than modern wagecucking

They have more freedom than us, they could go hide in the forest, Africa or some shit and no one would care

yep here he comes
just you wait till he posts that one image which states how you also get a girlfriend, 500 children and you actually work 1 hour a day

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You don't actually believe this.

Pretty cringe, the man should own the land he works

is a meme and literally never happened

>V G H, glorious trad lifestyle...

Feudalism barely even existed they teach us lmmao

Maybe in Brazil. But it did here.

Feudalism or Servantry was just modern day renting but instead of payment you had to work the field
Serfs could just move to the city if they didn't want to be serf anymore

The word deus um didn't even exist in high middle ages

Tb wor feudum didn't even exist back then.
It was bascally a piece of land some nobleman gave to another noble man and they hired ppl to work and live there.
But this already existed in roman times and it was called colonatus
Actually similar structures exist till this day in many farms.

The concept of the Middle Ages being based around feudalism comes from Marxist teleological analysis that considers it to be the necessary step before the development of Capitalism (which then, in their view, inevitably leads to the development of Communism), where an aristocrat rulling class exploits the work of the oppressed serfs.

Feudal and feudal-like structures may have existed in certain times and places during the Middle Ages just as they may exist in places even today, but the idea of a mostly feudal Medieval Europe is a fabrication.

When things started going to shit, and our freedom was taken away.


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