
Lizzy is alive and well edition

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Elden ring bros. I seems to me that the date is not right

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Long Live Liz!

scranchester poonited

monarchy is cringe

Are Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian mutual intelligible?

nonce joke


What's he on about?


We can understand like 60 to 70 perfect of Ukrainian and Belorussian

do you ever wonder what poo tastes like

Tastes like shite I reckon

unironically tasted a bit from a cock once, it was gritty, slimy and grim

first for gearoid and cucksofthebog

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Anyone else here smoke herb?

nah, I tend to just have a stock of dried but then I buy fresh if I'm making something that needs a lot of it like a tabbouleh or a specific curry and that

Da green green 'erb

from the ert? ya mon

Smoking da ganja man?

Long live the Queen


found out that belarus means white russia. as if russia wasnt white enough

Spend a few weeks in Moscow and you will think that Vietnam is an Arian paradise

protect trains, kids

not British culture

the idea is that russia has a wider gene pool from mixing with asians