What are some we wuz larps in your country?

What are some we wuz larps in your country?

In india, tamils believe there was an entire continent of tamil civilization millions of years ago. And aryans destroyed tamil culture and imposed caste system, etc.

Attached: szkp7gvjqso31.png (618x466, 467.45K)

Do people kang out in your country?

Attached: TamilAbbo.jpg (1166x1108, 269.68K)

I'm sorry guys but we aren't actually mongolians.

so tamils are more psychiatric than hindus? or the two are the same thing?

Tamils are BLACK
They were part of the BLACK ancient super-civilization that used to rule EARTH, but got destroyed by Yakub and his Yakubite minions (Aryans)

turn off the VPN lungicel
Tamils have superiority complexes over the rest of the country because they've had a competent socialist atheist government since the 70s

so they are proud to be related to aboriginals ? does that happen ?

Some Finns always talk about how we wuz Rurik and shiet and had big kingdoms but then Swedish came and destroyed all the evidence or something like that, it's hard to keep up what's the excuse of the day

>And aryans destroyed tamil culture and imposed caste system, etc.
Didn't that actually happen, though? Weren't they pushed out of the Indus valley by Aryan BVLLS?

GujaRAT chuds seething over Keralan supremacy

Yes it proves that they are ancient super race. Tamils are as race supremacist as nordicist. And funnily both of them are not aryan or have aryan blood it's hilarious. We wuz kangs. The only difference is Tamils had an ancient civilizations nordicks didn't.

The biggest We Wuz LARPers are southerners. They highly sentimentalize this ancient and proud civilization (that lasted 5 years and was ravaged by disease and war the whole time). They hold reenactments, their most famous novels take place in realities where they won the war, and they even have fan art about it. Genuinely the most retarded shit out there.

Attached: w4AOAnpSyqB5xNy4MMnr_pasted_image_0_12.jpg (1280x720, 86.57K)

It's wierd how all the subhuman are usually in the southern part of a country.

>competent socialist atheist government since the 70s
The reason our state is so well off can be attributed to the Congress government lead by Rajaji, Kamarajar et al. They laid the foundations of what we are today by introducing mid day meal scheme, free education for all etc. Dmk and ADMK just gave freebies and stoked ethnic pride for votes.
Stfu Street shitter

Australia has this weird thing where we glorify abos, probably because they got so fucked over. Most Australians are indoctrinated from birth that abos had the oldest civilisation in the world (40,000 years at least) even though 39,800 of those years were just abos hunting kangaroos with boomerangs and sitting around doing nothing.

My sister in law is Indian and claimed unironically that Indians invented quantum mechanics 3000 years ago



In Brazil we know that all the previous natives did was fuck, dance, and eat sweets all day long.
I particularly also miss that based society.

Yeah I know an Indian guy and he's obsessed with trying to make modern science fit into Hinduism.


Don't tell me hyper-war didn't happen either.

The Mayans had such advanced civilization, realizing the truth of our existance, they offed themselves.
The original doomers, if you will.

The tamils.. they wuz rajas n shit