Why can't mongols be at peace and stop expanding all the time?

I swear mongols always look for excuse to wage war. Why not just accept your current borders and look to trade with neighbors instead of invading them?

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Nice proxy taras

Look at their geography. If they aren't growing, they're dying

the line must go up


Russia is a true heir of Mongol empire, they inhereted the administration and a lifestyle habit from mongols by putting the interest of one person above the whole nationĀ“s interest.

How are they expanding if they are smaller than ever?

After the Putin the Tatarstan and Karelia will most likely develop a separatist movements. Ichkeria will separate first along with the other southern regions.

> Tatarstan
Not gonna happen, no sense in it, Tatarstan and Bashkiria surrounded by other russian oblasts entirely.
Not gonna happen, they are russians for 1000 years

There are no separatist movements in Russia.
Even the chinkiest looking Mongol deep in Siberia considers himself a true Russian.

(pic unrelated)

>Ichkeria will separate first along with the other southern regions
as long as russia pays tribute to kadyrov it won't separate

Tell me how tatarstan didnt support Putin when he got in troubles with Turkey and how tatars made it clear that turks are their brothers.
Karels are closer to finns than to russians

no payment is too big for not having a war

What the fuck are you reading? Erdogan news? This literally never happened

Because the Ukrayinian oligarchs cannot stop genociding the people in their lands.

I will genocide your mom's brown pussy

End your existence tranny moslem nazi

>Why not just accept your current borders

No fun in that

You dont even know well your own language, dont you?

Also this

Please come to Brazil and fuck my depressed mother.

send address

>stop expanding
If you don't expand someone else will.