Full-time workers in America can't afford rent

Full-time workers in America can't afford rent

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You are supposed to work 25 hours a day for a living. Thats nature.

choose a higher paying job

Apparently they're trying to

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Every fulltime should pay enough to afford middle class lifestyle

And also forbid math, or you calculate 4 working hours in medieval times/ energy per head viable at our times.

they can
they just can't do it while buying a new iphone every year and eating out for every meal.

They're just being babies. It's normal in London to spend 50-60% of your pre-tax income on rent, you don't see us complaining.

4 working hours divided by 5000 (factor of energy per had compared to medieval times)

Meanwhile boomers spend 20% of their income on a house

you don't complain cause in your country math is racist.

Economy is fucked and only getting worse for regular people?

and? are you expecting them to? mcdonalds isn't your personal accountant

unlike europe american companies are not required to do cost of living or inflation adjustments, unless they are unionized (communism)

That's a good thing. Billionaires need tax cuts to get even richer. Instead of complaining, they should work harder so that they can become billionaires themselves.

well is it not true? poverty is a state of mind, people are only poor if they want to be. If you decide to be around better people and get a real job, you'll make a million dollars easily off the house you can afford with 0% starter interest rates

Yeah but you live in tiny little shitshacks

I mean its getting worse here too, like rent has gone up to like 5-600 a month while pay is still crap.

holy shit I wouldn't work for any retard who puts up signs like this

yeah but at least you can get a free government job in the army or a free gas job in siberia

That's right. The law of attraction. You gotta manifest success in your mind and keep a positive attitude.

Yes, that's kind of my point.

most mcdonalds, fast food joints and walmart have such signs in my area. What are you gonna do, not work for 80% of the employers in a given area?

I jest but that actually did happen, now it's all amazon and doordash kitchens so the only front facing retail left are liquor stores, car parts stores and kohls