Isn't it funny how America has been so laser focused on China China China for the last 6 years since Trump and then...

Isn't it funny how America has been so laser focused on China China China for the last 6 years since Trump and then Russia comes swooping in out of nowhere and steals the show.

Attached: 1645580999714.png (500x562, 417.71K)

Only because the dems are in power and still obsess of "russia bad" because they think Putin rigged the 2016 election.

not everything is about americans narcisstic mfs

Damn, China even bootlegged the memes.

The Chinks aren't dumb enough to invade another country to distract from their economy failing due to being sanctioned because they invaded another country to distract from their failing economy.


Chink economy didn't fail because of sanctions, it failed all by itself. They had a 2008 housing market crash lmao

I was referring to the russians.

Two more weeks and China collapses and Russia invades Ukraine

I can't wait bros
Those will Change my shitty life for sure

I unironically want war to break loose

why m8? Thousands of people would die.

Rivalry ended with China. RUSSIA is our rival NOW!

Because I'm bored and nothing happens in my life

you're mexican, so even if war broke out, nothing would happen anyways

I have hope in that it'll escalate into something bigger so I can at least watch the news and feel something

We can liberate north Mexico if you'd find that more compelling drama.

That sounds interesting indeed

in domestic American politics China has been an issue since their WTO entry in 2000 and Russia has been an issue since they invaded Ukraine in 2014, both are now issues simultaneously

The west has been building a pretext to start a war with Russia for a long time.

No. If you've bothered to read anything about it you would know that what happened in China had nothing to do with the subprime crisis