Has your attitude towards a certain nationality changed since you've been lurking Any Forums?

Has your attitude towards a certain nationality changed since you've been lurking Any Forums?
If so, how?

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btw no transphobia please, I'm sensitive to that :(

In general I came to more like people here. Any Forums is a good board.

Stop pretending to be me, retard.

I found out people are as people are most of the time, regardless of nationality

i love frogs and bavarians now

i used to think swedish people were cool, but now they all look just pretentious cucks.

I hate Italians

Former Any Forumstard here, it helped me see brown people as human again when they told me about situations I could relate to.

yes. Any Forums made me hate my own countrymen

It only strengthened my prejudice towards Spaniards and Swedes

Any Forums made me hate white people and polish people

This is mutual, stop butchering our language.


I thought British are creative and funny ,I was wrong, they are tastless and boring

Can see why they started 2 world wars

spanish posters used to hate us but I feel like they've become a lot nicer in the last couple of months or something

asians are as boring as i thought they would be

Attached: sopa de macaco.jpg (720x960, 140.73K)

/eire/ made me realise there is no hope for this country

It made me like Indians and somehow hate americans even more.

oh shoot, i said 'polish people'. I forgot you're not people. I apologize for this mistake

Made me realize this board is shit and how much i hate chinese diaspora

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Only a few mexicans are nice here