

Attached: WaSbuxEjL16Be4hOKqTudm6pLi385mHushHy6u13VNs.jpg (901x901, 170.86K)

Trump lost

I too remember when it was 2016.

was this originally intended to be a joke or was it serious?


why didn't it work?

brexit worked, you yanks fucked up the rest


whos the guy with the hwndu vest?


It's so fucking sad that someone on unironically made this

i wonder if the actual sargon of akkad is rolling in his grave, knowing that 4000 years after his death people who hear his name think of a fat angloid who makes youtube videos

>he actually thinks brexit was a success


It felt like a simpler time. Russia could invade and no one would fight back. Less politics. Then these faggots came around.

it's okay, nobody knows who the youtube sargon is anymore

Attached: Soygon of BlackDad.png (1336x528, 896.29K)

Mili yanaplois

>get in normie, were about to shit up other country's politics by acting like spastics and convincing other retards to give us money parasocially

>that timer where Milo had an event during the height of pizza gate and his millionaire handlers told him to shut down any mention of pizza gate, so he went on stage before the event and told everybody to not mention pizza gate or be evicted

>mfw there was a period in my life when i took this shit seriously
i'll never live this shame down

Carl Benjamin went on a Gibraltar vacation during his campaign run and after the governor of Gibraltar denounced him, he went to his residence and screamed for like 2 minutes. He thought he was some kind of Trump IRL shitposter, when he was just a middle aged welshman from Swindon who ruined his whole life outside of the internet

>Milo was a cock slurping cross dressing homo for most of his life and married a black man
>now claims to be straight

politics should be about the left and right arguing about whether they should lower corporate taxes by 5 percent or not

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God it was a cringe era.

Also one of the blatant controlled ops ever, right up there with Laura Loomer and Jacob Wohl. If I'm not mistaken, he's all but admitted it.

Attached: Bad Milo Meme.png (960x960, 1.03M)

Milo has been his whole life a professional troll/ grifter, my best guess is that all of his edgy teen followers went to wignats like fuentes whereas his remaining viewership are shizo boomer fundamentalist who he probably panders to now

why's nebuchadnezzar there?

kind of amazing how delusional sargon was
what does he do now?