Us Iranians are a proud WHEAT coloured race, that's what we are, we are not brown, only some of us are brown, but most are the colour of wheat! Which is fitting because our ancestors domesticated the wild wheat grass and turned it into food. Our ancestors have lived on the blessed Iranian plateau for over 10,000 years! We are the children of the earth, who toil under the sun, and do not bend for the wind, and do not fear the rain!

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yeah well i was born in sweden, i'm not going to hide that with a vpn. But I was born of an Iranian, speaking an Iranian tongue, and I will die for Iran!

based invader of norselands

You guys got raped by Arab and Turkic bulls, lmao.

iranians are like 1% arab and 3-6% east asian, and like 2% black african, completely negligible numbers. your mutt ass on the other hand only retain like 10% of your original western european hunter gatherer lineage, the other 90% of your genome is composed of indo european BVLLS steppe nomads and horny anatolian farmers.

based persian

stop fighting you are both brown you are in europe to destroy wypipo always keep focus there

Coomer mentality.

look everybody its DORKALAINEN

we call ourselves wheat coloured in persian, is there something similar in turkish? turks are also part of the wheat race

we are brown destroyer of whites
if you are brown and live in europe you exist only for 2 reasons
1-to sex their women
2-to neet off sucking welfare

ok but why did you post glorious ukraine (slava) flag

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A Finn would have sufficed for an insult. Then again a social welfare leech refugee mahmoud shouldn't talk.

we have a similiar word in hindi.
'gehuan'=wheat coloured

AYYE lets run this postcolonialist shithole down to the ground
i'm buddhist, and an artist, see you know fuckall about me Mr Derpalainen, religion doesn't enter my nationalism tho, mine is a nationalism based on soil and toil, on blood and brood! Ours is a 10,000 year old country! That's something to be proud of. We domesticated the wheat that you eat every morning.

we call wheat gandum. so you call some people gehuan or is that the name of a pigment or dye?

*nation, not country
as a country we go back to the early elamites some 5000 years ago

>so you call some people gehuan or is that the name of a pigment or dye?
we call people gehuan who have wheat coloured skin, its not a dye or anything.
>we call wheat gandum
just found out the sanskrit word for wheat is 'godhum', kinda fascinating how similiar it is to the persian word for it.

stop being gay and cringe
t. the only non cringe iranian diaspora on this board :)

>just found out the sanskrit word for wheat is 'godhum', kinda fascinating how similiar it is to the persian word for it.
oh yeah that is interesting, it makes sense wheat was domesticated in iran and was brought to the indus valley civilization by farmers from the zagros mountain in western iran, makes sense they used its native name too
by the way northern indians are to a large extent descended from zagrosian farmers by the way, thats why they look like us. indians and iranians should stick together but the british totally ruined that relationship, average iranians view indians as agents of british espionage, and in the spirit of that view, khomeini is often accused of being an indian,

you think i'm too nationalistic? bet you cant even read persian tho

Based Iranian Poster
Happy to see fellow Cisgender iranian BVLLs here.

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