Why is Denmark considered a Nordic country when they're

Why is Denmark considered a Nordic country when they're

a. Connected to mainland Europe and
b. entirely south of the 58th parallel?

They're basically just a province of Germany

Attached: World-Data-Locator-Map-Denmark.jpg (1600x1533, 171.88K)

That's why they named their capital cope

why are brits so fucking dumb?

Are you a fucking retard?

90% of swedes lives more south than danes.

ngl until I was like 14 I thought the netherlands was nordic too

hehe based

based retard

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>Why is Denmark considered a Nordic country when they're
>a. Connected to mainland Europe and
>b. entirely south of the 58th parallel?
>They're basically just a province of Germany

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Their old houses look like german ones istead of red wooden nordic houses

>They're basically just a province of Germany
denmark has existed as a separate kingdom for 1000+ years and the danish flag is the oldest in the world

>speaks a nordic language
>share history and culture with the nordics
denmark has nothing to do with germany. they have nothing in common

finally someone has the balls to call denmark out on this bullshit

wait a minute!
iceland is not part of the nordic peninsula also, why are you nordig? shuold be just an greenlandic province

we are not scandinavian, but we are nordic
ps. netherlands is flat

Surprisingly good bants

>but we are nordic
Sorry ex-colony but that privilege was revoked when you decided to be independent. You're Estonia tier now.

holy shit shut the fuck up.

I almost always forget that Denmark still exists

i..i don't feel so good..

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>They're basically just a province of Germany
the same could be said for any EU country

Imagine being smaller than fucking Denmark