Why are Slavic people IRL so friendly but so edgy on the internet

Why are Slavic people IRL so friendly but so edgy on the internet

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Can't deport someone from the Internet

>Why are people IRL so friendly but so edgy on the internet

irl they need to be friendly to get more gibs or attract western potential husbands
online they can unleash their true feelings

If i be myself IRL i risk being beaten up by mentally unstable schizos, accused of harrasment, get shot, or called police over disturbing public order and i would have to pay a fine.
That's especially true on the west.

No they still tell me they hate the west and blacks and that they are proud of their heritage they just do it politely

>get shot, or called police over disturbing public order
What were you planning on doing, user..? Dress down and take a shit in a public street?

the way i communicate with people makes them upset. i never sugarcoat and just say what's on my mind without being concerned about how it might affect other people.
In my eyes it's their problem to deal with their feelings not mine.

Different people.
Mostly toxic NEETs are active on the internet.

Because in real life you even small interaction like saying "hello" bonds people infinitely more than any interaction on the Internet, and Slavs are typically taught that they must treat other human beings with dignity.
But on the internet the "people" might as well be bots or complete strangers and it doesn't really feel like conversation psychologically, it's between a monologue and dialogue so you can't bond with them as easily—so you unconsciously treat them as less than human.
And racism is accepted in Slavic countries, especially in humour. Like if someone said that they want to kill all blacks people would look at you like you're crazy, but if you said it ironically everyone would laugh

>In my eyes it's their problem to deal with their feelings not mine
It is. But since you know that's not really how things work it would be foolish to act as though it was.

average westerner is much more edgy

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This is the only reason why i put on the mask. To not get beaten by an idiot who can't control his emotions.
Such people are easy to manipulate however.

you are a sociopath.


i'm normal.

>Such people are easy to manipulate however.
I'm aware. Out of curiosity, do you think any amount of manipulation is justified if it might lead to a desirable outcome, or are there limits?

>If i be myself IRL i risk being beaten up by mentally unstable schizos, accused of harrasment, get shot, or called police over disturbing public order
what the fuck, if that's what happens when you're being yourself then there's definitely something wrong with you.

you cant walk aorund in life and say whatever you want to people face and be surprised if they respond.

you sound like you've never felt the warmth of a woman

I'm not completely deranged to the point where i'd sell heroin to children or something like that. I never try to deliberately take advantage of other people unless they give me a good enough reason to.

The reason being - they think they're so damn smart and they can fuck me over over some petty shit like a small sum of money or like at work if they lie to me (i can spot lies easily because i've got a lot of experience), something like that.
In which case i usually turn the situation around which sometimes might ruin the other person's life but hey - he asked for it.

Basically i believe that manipulation is justified when peopel are trying to take advantage of you. I don't go beyond that.

no, there's nothing wrong with me. People are just stupid.

>which sometimes might ruin the other person's life but hey - he asked for it
I understand the reaction, I too passionately hate it when people do that. But don't you think that one's response should be proportional to their action?