The United Kingdom is a failed state, because it fails to provide its citizen with a basic human need: sunlight

The United Kingdom is a failed state, because it fails to provide its citizen with a basic human need: sunlight.

Half of Germany, most of Belgium, Norway, Ireland and Czechia are uninhabitable as well. A pisspoor Turk has a better life than a Brit, because he enjoys more sunlight, which is a basic human need.

Attached: sunshine duration.png (1360x1245, 114.41K)

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Based baltic coastlines bros

Go back to the Balts

I think the British government should built big fans off the coast that chop the clouds up and give us nice clear skies.

Or maybe really powerful air guns that the public can pay to use because they're fun to shoot the clouds out the sky.

do you like my ideas?

Attached: 1643047206265.jpg (665x756, 110.55K)

Yes im allready getting really angry AT clouds! >¦(

sunshinelet lmao

What if the UK and France set up a really long line of big mirrors to direct the sunlight where they need it?

I want big air guns to play with

german thread about britain

he is correct though
lack of sunlight is indeed suffering.

The devil does his work in the dark

Attached: mischief.jpg (600x760, 59.07K)

the world cannot comprehend out suffering

Sunlight is overrated.

1200 hours is more than enough sunlight.

the silver lining (pun intended) to a cloudy climate is that when the sun does rear its face there's this omnipresent sense of jubilation, happiness and relief. like you go 14 days straight of overcast weather in june and then suddenly one day you're treated to a clear blue sky and 20°c+ weather and you can just feel the joy.
countries where clear skies and no clouds are the norm will never know how this feels

There's nothing you can do as the British weather depends on the Atlantic ocean's winds and currents.

The British isles are uninhabitable, face it.
Also OC.

Attached: Britannia.jpg (1200x684, 337.66K)

This is the dumbest cope i ever read

'ate sunlight
luv sosij rolls

i'm not saying it's justification for living in a cloudy shithole but it's just one of the only positives.
if you actually left the house on nice days you'd probably notice it
fuck off americanised prick

>england is one of the most densely populated countries on the planet

tRkey is a failed state because it deprives me of the basic human need for rain and snow