Why haven't Iberians apologised for creating the Latinx race yet

Why haven't Iberians apologised for creating the Latinx race yet

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The world needs a zoo and we made it, you're welcome world

no one asked for a continental zoo full of creatures that invade your country THOUGH
apologise for your heinous crimes immediately

what went wrong, was it the Catholic Church?

because the iberians who did it are our ancestors not theirs (the cucks who stayed)

>invade your country

Subhuman amerishart

You will never be AMERICAN, a real american.

Real americans are NATIVES

youre nothing but an invader and will be soon removed

>no one asked for a continental zoo
I know, we are just full of surprises and made it anyways

As you can probably tell by my flag I am not an American nor have I ever claimed to be one

brazil isn't latinx

We wouldn't have Encanto if it wasn't for them. We are eternally in their debt.

dead meme & dilate

you speak latinx though?????

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i speak brazilian
latinx is a dead language
not any deader than the latinx language and identity

Encanto is Colombianx, not Brxzilixn

Eu sou latino

E aí? Vai fazer o que,seu merdão complexado

we are romans

Everything south of the US on the American continent is Latinx.

you're delusional and literally trans

Romans should apologize with the entire world for conquering and creating the anglox.

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australia means land of the south in latinx
you are latinx

we aren't roman and we also don't have any italian heritage
all they did was civilise us and leave

Would you apologise for having sex?

Romans conquered you, then later vikings, you are a rape baby of a rape baby.

everyone's a rape baby if you go back far enough

*blocks your logic*

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ok great, one example
as a mexican though
you are the rape babiest of rape babies

No, we are only rape baby of spanish + aztec
Meanwhile you are rape baby of Romans + Celtic Britons, Vikings + Anglos, French + Anglos, Refugies + British.
In other words you are the champion of the rape babies.

are you this loser?

>a continental zoo
t. USA's creator
We're both guilty

You're forgetting the hundreds of other native american tribes who raped one another prior to the aztecs but were too retarded to invent a written language to record these mass rapings