Latin America DOESN'T EXIST

The latino identity is a fake, shallow and retarded identity coined by Americans of Spanish and, mostly, Amerindian ancestry.

Latin America is a vague term to refer to countries in the American continent where romance languages are spoken, yet, most people use the term only to refer to the Spanish-speaking countries of America, and sometimes Brazil.

The problem with this is that this idioitc term ultimately doesn't explain anything in the end. What about Quebec? Are they Latin American? Are Haitians Latin American? What about Spanish-speaking Americans (from the US)? Are they Latin American as well? What about Italian-Americans? What about all the Caribbean islands where French is spoken? What about Romanian-Americans? What about the French-speaking people of Louisiana? Are all of these Latin American? If a Guyanese man learns to speak Italian, does he become Latin American?

What about Africa? Why aren't the romance-speaking nations of Africa called Latin Africans?

The correct term to refer to the Spanish-speaking countries and peoples is HISPANIC. Latin America doesn't exist, it is HISPANIC America.

The wars of indepence were literally fake wars that were started by wealthy landowners because they didn't want to pay taxes to the Crown. Talk about Judaism.

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I am latine

shut up chud we're all socialist now

This is why we NEED to use latinx

Conservatives parties in Latam countries have done more harm than good, The separation of Church and state was necesary to not be a teocratic shithole like Iraq or something.

Truth is that right wing populism is really bad, left wing populism today is also bad but at the very least it has done less harm in the historical context

Nah, there's still hope.

Eventually, it would all collapse again, as things will keep getting worse from here on out, but it would be great to once again see the Spanish police imprisoning communists, atheists and degenerates, at least for a little while.

This is post is more based than what people thinks

no, now we're socialist

>Latin America? You mean Ibero-America?

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There is no hope, we are all socialist, that's being latino

The separation of Church and State was literally promoted by the Church, because we were tired of the State meddling in our affairs.

Just a quick reminder that the Catholic Church created the university, the hospital, developed the scientific method and was the backbone of the most prosperous civilizations of history. If it weren't for the Church, you would be sacrificing babies to wooden gods today, so be thankful that your people were civilized by Christianity.

>The separation of Church and State was literally promoted by the Church, because we were tired of the State meddling in our affairs.

>we were tired of the state meddling in our affairs

that makes no sense what so ever, also if you aren't a cardinal or a deacon from Rome you literally don't belong in the "We" lmao, it has nothing to do with "our" affairs

>Just a quick reminder that the Catholic Church created the university, the hospital, developed the scientific method and was the backbone of the most prosperous civilizations of history. If it weren't for the Church, you would be sacrificing babies to wooden gods today, so be thankful that your people were civilized by Christianity.

Even with I granted you all of the fact is the following:

1.the catholic chruch is an entity that exist in rome, it has its own interests before the interests of a particular state of people,

2.the catholic church can be and has been proven corrupt in many occasions during its history,

3. We have hospitals, universities and secular entities today, cutting the middle man (I.E the influence of the external entity that is the church) is the way to go, they do not represent the will of the people today, more people today in latam are secular, it says a lot of society when the poorest people and the richest people are religious yet the common man (the middle class) that carries the country economically and its the engine of prosperity is secular

>Even with I granted you all of the fact is the following:

even if* I granted you all of that* , the fact is the following:

You already ruined the terms "Latin" and "Spanish" forever. How many more labels you need before settling for the most accurate ones: "Indio America" or "Mestizo America".

Who the fuck cares

Fuck off fat

>if you aren't a cardinal or a deacon from Rome you literally don't belong in the "We"
Laymen are a part of the hierarchy.
>the catholic chruch is an entity that exist in rome, it has its own interests before the interests of a particular state of people
Wrong, the Catholic Church is the Universal Church, that's what the word "catholic" means. The correct thing to say is that the head of the Church, which is the Pope, resides and reigns from the Vatican, which is in the boundaries of Rome, but the Catholic Church exists in the whole world.
The Church has the interests of the Catholic people, not its own, the Vatican is literally in debt every year, and the Church is the first non-government provider of charity and aid to the poor. A little Google search wouldn't hurt.

>the catholic church can be and has been proven corrupt in many occasions during its history
Examples? Every institution is corrupt to a certain level, but despite the many myths that the Church killed 600 trillion people per day, the Catholic Church is among the cleanest institutions in history.

The point is that they came from the Church. Besides, I am not a Catholic because the Catholic Church literally built Western civilization, I'm a Catholic because I know that Catholicism is true, and I'm even more certain, as a former atheist, that atheism is a hopeless, retarded and stupid worldview that is not even logically justifiable and has led, and is leading, to atrocities.

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The Bolivarian identity is a fake, shallow and retarded identity coined by Venezuelans of Colombian and, mostly, chavist ancestry.


Felipe is a pussy.
The true king is his father who is a true chad.

being latino in the 21th century is having reggaeton, by now Latinos from all possible backgrounds have listened to reggaeton, even natives make reggaeton
>Indio America

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>Laymen are a part of the hierarchy.
They are the pawn, If you choose to be first loyal to the church and then to your country then you should go and become a priest and go live in Rome

>The Church has the interests of the Catholic people, not its own, the Vatican is literally in debt every year, and the Church is the first non-government provider of charity and aid to the poor. A little Google search wouldn't hurt.

not really, the church exist first and foremost for the propogation of the faith, no matter in what way, be it by colonial power or by soft power today, thats its purpose, to mantain its power. The church doesn't care about the individual but the collective, and I see myself as an individual and not a collective much less a religious one even though I am catholic myself.

>Examples? Every institution is corrupt to a certain level, but despite the many myths that the Church killed 600 trillion people per day, the Catholic Church is among the cleanest institutions in history.
that is true, BUT given that we have structures of power to mantain secular institutions, our branches of power, executive, legislative and judicial need not the advice or inherence from the church, in fact it is detrimental to the democratic form of goverment we have decided to persue in light of our values inhereted by humanists from europeans.

>I'm a Catholic because I know that Catholicism is true, and I'm even more certain, as a former atheist, that atheism is a hopeless, retarded and stupid worldview that is not even logically justifiable and has led, and is leading, to atrocities.

that is okay, as a former religious catholic and now nominal catholic I respect your positions and dogmas, but the line is drawn when people suggest we should make our countries teocratic and dictate our laws and constitutions according to scripture that doesn't takes into account historical context and time, the bible is a product of its time and so its teachings


KEK what is this?oh no amerindian bros... we got corrupted by the Anglo-judean world order