Why dont you learn french, Any Forums ?

why dont you learn french, Any Forums ?

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Too dumb :(

I don't need to.

parce-que j'ai deja oublie comment parler en francais

Currently working on my Spanish, then Russian, then German
I might consider French after that of you give me a good reason

because I can just loudly talk at any french person in English and they’ll look at me disgusted at first and pretend like they don’t know what I’m saying, but will relent after a few seconds of “EXCUSE ME, EXCUSE ME, CAN YOU HEAR ME??? *gestures wildly with hands*”

i would if french bois were hotter

useless language mostly spoken by blacks

Some time ago I tried but I'm too stupid, at least I can easily go to the Aosta Valley speaking Italian

only africans speak it

its good already


j'ai appris à l'école, mais seulement un peu

I tried. It turns out, I can only learn a language if a cute girl is teaching me. I spoke Spanish fluently throughout elementary school, then one day the Spanish teacher gets replaced with some old guy and by the end of the first semester I could only do greetings.

In middle school I took French, the teacher was this sexy black girl, looked like Ana Foxx with curlier hair and bigger bottom. I was top of the class until she went on maternity leave for the rest of the year, she got replaced by her son who looked like Carl Winslow and I almost flunked.

I am under no sociopolitical influence to do so

for our friendship, Monsieur. for Frexit.

non, j'ai seulemente etudie le francais pour deux ans dans l'ecole, est-ce que je deja sais comment parler en espagnol donc le francais cest un peux facil
idk if that made any sense


>est ce que je deja sais
je sais déja

>parler en espagnol
parler espagnol

very nice effort anyway

Je deteste la langue de les français parce que ils sont tous homosexuels

I want to but uni makes it hard for me to have time to study it

give me one good reason to
hard mode: not related to traveling there

les clichés ont la vie dure, on se croirait en 2004