I think this is the one of the worst area to live on this planet

I think this is the one of the worst area to live on this planet

You have first world prices with thirld world wages

Thirdies have maids, cooks, drivers and living in perfect weather playing football on sandy beaches

Firsties are spoiled and rich living in their perfect societies with amazing infrastructure

Attached: Visegrad-Group.png (777x600, 194.71K)

>with amazing infrastructure
lol, lmao

>Firsties are spoiled and rich living in their perfect societies with amazing infrastructure

Attached: F3D68243-87CA-401B-9C96-C7898122BCCF.jpg (1024x576, 42.34K)

It is the truth compared to the eastern (or as some prefer, central) europe desu.

Although I suppose ideology of sneering at public infrastructure works that came with economical neoliberalism has left its mark on the west.

>Thirdies have maids, cooks, drivers and living in perfect weather playing football on sandy beaches


Yeah, the West is so based and perfect and utopian, Jan.
>From Axis to Vaxis

Attached: 494AE86A-EC49-4D54-981B-6BE03580C908.jpg (540x540, 34.47K)

>Perfect weather
It's fucking burning in here

Just kick to the palm and you can drink frrsh bio coconut

The antivax protests resemble to me people who whine on the internet forums about japanese cartoon porn being pixelated.

It's not like they are entirely without merit but they are missing the point of ideals they fall back to.

Take your meds, jan palach

Sorry, just telling the truth

Can't tell if redpilled or blackpilled
But yes, this is all true

Attached: 1615046492586.png (1920x1440, 3.1M)

>i-is that mud...and some snow, Oh NO IM GOING INSAAANEEEEEEE

youre proving his point

everything is more expensive there than germany
but wages are turk tier
countries are aging rapidly with lower than wect birthrates
in 20 years it'll be full of muslims ngrs and pajeets

In first world there would be some nice park

Now imagine having gypsies, worse infrastructure, uglier cities, less job opportunities, worse wages.

Same here

Is so tiresome :(((

We have all of that

It's true

no i was talking about you
turks can assimilate refuggers/nggers very well its the USA of old world and prices are atleast reasonable (for domestic stuff like eggs)
in cz eggs cost more than germany but your salary is 1/3, rent costs similiar too. which is why all young people leave country (especially in poland)

with no youth you need to open doors for immigration but there is no one left in world who would immigrate to there apart from latinos (20 times murder rate of muslims, 15-30 times crime rate), africans (worst of worst) , middle easterners (islamic takeover)

asians won't even go there anymore, asia is very developed. maybe you can get indians and pakis

I fucking hate those type of buildings they're everywhere and it's eye melting