White people don't eat seafood

White people don't eat seafood

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yes we do

i've given it multiple chances, can't get over the fact that it tastes like you're literally picking things out of the sand at the beach.

Swedish people are enstranged by the fact that we eat crawfish and octopuses

that's the best part

White people don't eat seafood?
But they kill seabeasts.

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I don't like fish except for salmon

do you like deez?

no we arent

deez what?

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Holy shit knowing Scandinavian food this is utterly retarded and even Brits eat fish and chips for fuck sake.


>Be my brother
>Is allergic to seafood
>Unironically found Dorito 3D crunch "too spicy"

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Are you sure he is Puerto Rican?

I have 2 packs of frozen sushi.

He's a yt boi, so no

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I'm on a sea food died
I sea food, I eat it

vgh, my brvther

ok pvt gomez.
tuna is better than salmon in japan.
cooked mackarel is pretty good.
kingfish is pretty good too.

i started because of swedish youtuber and i was eating tuna before because of weight training i eat tilapia salmon and tuna weekly most americans dont

NATO pipo be like
>whale is too spicy, BAN IT

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I ate mussels today, I also eat a lot of sardeenz