Why do they bother wearing a Hijab when it only makes them more attractive?

Why do they bother wearing a Hijab when it only makes them more attractive?

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because muslims are aroused by the hair

Makes no sense. Don't get these Muslims.

Hijabs aren't supposed to make you ugly, it's just part of dressing modestly

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looks like a SEAmonkey, not really attractive unless you're a schizoid loser that fetishes random fabric.

You don't get aroused by the smell of cheap shampoo?

Yes, problem?

Looks like a cloth foreskin

but it doesn't. only mentally ill people like hijabis

I'm probably the only person on the planet that finds burkinis sexy
There's definitely something wrong with me

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There's nothing wrong with finding a woman's femininity attractive, user. I've got a crush on all of my Muslim quality engineer lady teachers because of it.

>tight pants
>exposed ankles
>open toe shoes
works me into a shoot every time

Im muslim so I explain it to you. Hair is like one silky strand of string. When I see it, it makes me cum a silky strands of white string onto their face.

Ok Jew. Thanks for the input.

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do you have a girlfriend moshi?

burkinis are too much for me

hijab fetish is either proving koran is wrong or allah is a retarded being who is underestimating how far human coomerism can go.

Unless she's bald or hasn't washed her hair in ages, any woman with a hijab looks much better without. Hijabis are unironically just 1 step above bald women

The point is actually that hijab is supposed to be a symbol of piety and service to Allah. When men see women with hijab in public, they're supposed to lower their gaze.

Sure thing shlohmo

I'm not Jewish.

because it's my fetish