How would your parents react if you brought home black gf to meet them?

Mine would be confused I guess.

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probably very happy that I have a gf

I wouldn't bring her home, my parents wouldn't disapprove but they're casual racists

“My son isn’t gay!!! Open the champagne, Maria.”

They would be happy because I’m black and my parents are also black so it’s no big deal

Mine wouldn't care, except they'd might think it would be a little bothersome if she didn't speak Norwegian.

Unironically, but over time they'll probably accept her, unless she's muzz then it's over

Too bad most black women don't look like that.

your parents are chuds

thats an average black girl in healthy BMI range

I only need one tho

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i honestly think my father would be ok with it by thinking that im not gay but my mother would secretly hate her for being black

What does the average black woman look like to you user? Give us a visual representation.

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>muh language
>absolute state of cuck civnats

thats average american regardless of race

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Kek, this

I'm black so they'd be relieved that I'm not racemixing and happier if I managed to snag one that's smart and successful.

Tears of joy because i have a gf

Probably okay that i finally get a gf

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At least they can use non slur words when talking about non Europeans, because my grand parents can't

My mom would tentatively try to be supportive but my dad despite not saying anything would be disappointed and would be thinking the N word so hard that everyone would feel it

My mom would disown me probably