"I am not Indian, we're Greek, Scythian and Persian"

Do you have people like this in your cunt?

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Those people did migrate to India long ago.

I'm not American I'm Mexican

Hey man are you like part greek too lol me too I'm like 1/128 Irish and 1/4096 Iroquoian

I our cunt we prefer call them ancient Kazakhs

I'm Irish.

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Yeah italian and irish americans cant stop larping even though they are fat burger eating mutts like everyone else.

Punjabis are actually scythians but not greek or persian

I'm not indian, but I'm brown. And I kind of hate Indians. Except Russell Peters. He's cool

aren't they mixed group of races

go back bangla muslimoid

pan-indoeuropean ethnostatism

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Or what, Curry Pitts? Gonna set scam callers on me?

Not even remotely close to Bangla, fucking idiot

I haven't had much of a conversation with Sikhs but I did meet one person while interviewing. These guys hate being referred as Indian. They like Pakistan more since they are majorly ethnic Punjabis.

If an Indian says that, call them a pajeet for me
For all our faults and problems, most of us are still proud to be indian

>I haven't had much of a conversation with Sikhs but I did meet one person while interviewing. These guys hate being referred as Indian. They like Pakistan more since they are majorly ethnic Punjabis.
Most paajis love being indian, and they hate faggots like you who spread lies on their behalf

I've never been out of west bengal all my life. I'm ethnically from UP and both bengalis and punjabis share the sentiment of not wanting to be considered and labelled as "Indian".

>I'm ethnically from UP and both bengalis and punjabis share the sentiment of not wanting to be considered and labelled as "Indian".
Go out more user.
Bhangalis are all around faggots, they consume western globohomo indoctrination by the truckload. Punjabis love India a lot tho

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Here sikhs campaigned for a census ethnic category 'asian sikh' to be added in addition to 'asian indian' 'asian pakistani' etc because they didnt want to list themselves as indian

Thing is you can list yourself as sikh in the census in the religious question

This is because the cultural onerus of being Indian is to deny it just in case and claim it when it benefits you.

Sikhs never do that. Maybe u met some chutiya ones. Bengalis are westernised cucks so I can understand that.

Diaspora sikhs are brainwashed khalistanis and we'd like it if you kept them there.