Chinese Diaspora

To Chinese diaspora on this board, ones that have lived in both your home and new home countries, what are the comparisons between both?

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China vaccine doesn't have RNA

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How many times will you make this thread?

Lmao this. I'd rather take the Chinese jab than the DNA rewriting ones Biden and trump have forced on us

Over here is like demolition man in the nice future
Over there its like blade runner 2049
It is kind of a nanny state here but over there, ash, grey rain, sand rain, smog rain, all kinds of fogs were normal. There you go

How has your morning been zhang?

>How has your morning been zhang?

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Yikes imagine defending the American regime for free!


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honestly wish they offered the chinese one

>He says while being in America

probably why he hates the satanic am*rican terror-regime

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Yes. the evil regime must fall

>Chinese vax is less advanced
There you go.
Doesn't do that. Look into what it does from academic sources

>all other vaccines - never get disease
>new advanced covid vaccine - still get disease
The American regime must fall

If you don't like it why don't you leave lol

>fighting back moving forward
They're fighting back against moving forward?

That's not how any of that works you dense fuck head. Stop getting facts from tabloid tier bullshit. Idiots like you are the only reason we might fall. Too many of you dumb fucks.

You will never be fully vaccinated

Experts™ say America is the freest most democratic country in the world and that vaccines work even when you still get the diseases