According to the U.S. Census Bureau, USA has an official resident population of 331,449,281

>According to the U.S. Census Bureau, USA has an official resident population of 331,449,281

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331,449,278 to many desu

has to go down to zero to make the world a better place

America will grow larger!

>im not among them
Suck. I want to be American so fucking much

>I'm not one of them

Attached: it'sover.png (206x273, 38.52K)

nah i'm actually god and i created this reality with my birth but my parents are worth saving

>wants to be ameriburger

KYS faggot
I want every american dead and nuked hate them guts

>1/3 are mexicans

Attached: 1644707461720.jpg (348x348, 35.95K)

Even Keanu Reeves?

more like 2/3

Id give anything to be born an american and never have to associate with Brazil in one single moment of my life

you realize that nothing is funnier than watching an ESL Brazilian try to speak English?

more like 100%

So leave then you fucking dumb faggot hang yourself you fucking leech

>half of those people aren't white

Very scary.

it must suck to have to cope your way through life, i can't even imagine all the mental gymnastics you have to go through on a daily basis

What about you trying to learn a second language, huh?

I want to, i want to be living there before turning 26. Sadly i can't take all the years living in Brazil back.

what's your issue

t. envious macaco