I can't distinguish a polish from a german

i can't distinguish a polish from a german

Attached: pepememino.jpg (2048x1924, 202.74K)

polish: drives a stolen car
german: had his car stolen


I can't distinguish a russian from a german

Virgin German needs a retarded incel ideology to justify stealing stuff and killing people
Polish Chad does that without justification

we didnt need a justification to burn warsaw to the ground; we just did it

i can't tell a north african from a med

I was obviously refering to Nazism + you needed a justification, otherwise you would've burned it the moment you had marched in yet you waited 5 years

after the silly civs got out, there was no reason to destroy it further but here we are

poles have round, fat faces
germans have square lego faces

polish: gabagól
german: goebegÖl

Russians look more retarded, Germans look more gay


true they look the same
hunnic squareheads all of them


Attached: Martin-Heidegger-1889-1976-german-philosopher-c-1920.jpg (1024x1445, 183.68K)


Attached: Miroslav Klose.jpg (500x588, 226.94K)

one and the same


Attached: 1645031882357.jpg (700x394, 49.33K)

Not at all.
They are the manliest men ever. It's hard to make more man in terms of face than Germans.
And physically in general.


Attached: 1.jpg (2048x1197, 519.58K)

this is actually the average 30 year old
horrible how slavic women hit the wall at 24

Hehe, I can't deny that polish women are a huge meme