Do you fear getting old in your cunt? im turning 24 this week and im not looking forward to it...

do you fear getting old in your cunt? im turning 24 this week and im not looking forward to it. once i graduate im going to be working for the rest of my life, my dating prospects will dry up. my dad says if i dont get married soon my only choice will be becoming a stepfather.

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You're not even thirty you dork

I'm starting a degree at 28 years old. I want to die, BUT, the only thing that gives me peace is sitting and studying, for some reason

I'm 22
I don't fear getting old but getting old alone

i will be in six short years. I hardly even remember the last two

>my dad says if i dont get married soon my only choice will be becoming a stepfather.
Sadly this is true. I'm 28 and the dating pool is mostly fat single mothers. Attractive, fit women in their 20's without a kid are basically unicorns these days.

You're 24 though. Get in your best shape and enjoy the next 5 years.

I turned 24 a couple of months ago and I do agree that time is moving too fast desu. I graduated when I was 21 and have been working in the same office since. When you're going through the motions during the week, counting down to the next weekend or holiday, time will pass you by. We've had strict lockdowns for the most part of 2 years here which dampened my social life too so I feel cheated of 2 years in my 20's. But that could've been worse, I would've hated to go through restrictions during school or college and normalising WFH for the rest of my life is arguably a worth trade off. As for hooking up with girls you meet out, I still think there is room to do that without it being cringe at 24

where do you even meet women after you graduate? Work?

Then you better do what you can to make the most of the next six years. I'm 26 and I don't feel the same as you man. I used to, if that helps. I can't afford to sit on my hands and get sad about the passage of time

Dating apps are what women prefer but honestly just nut up and talk to them at bars. Women have all the power in a dating app. Approaching women at bars puts you on an even playing field and I've had better success.

I just turned 26 and I'm not looking forward to growing old. God I feel so old, people 10 years younger than me are loving the time of their lives and experiencing things I never got to experience, such as teenage love.
>hooking up with girls you meet out
That's cringe at any age. I have no idea how some people can accept that their partners have hooked up with strangers in the past.

>God I feel so old, people 10 years younger than me are loving the time of their lives and experiencing things I never got to experience, such as teenage love

I feel 25 26 is the worst but once you approach 30s you calm and settle down

This is how it felt for me, too. Getting past 25 I've found it much easier to choose how I respond to my emotions. I'm much less depressed than I was when I was younger

>once you approach 30s you calm and settle down
I have nothing to settle down to. I'm probably never going to get married, even though I want to.

Yes. 40 is the new 30 is a thing of the past. The Internet 2.0 has laid bare the insurmountable cultural gulf between people born in 1996 and everyone else. This leads to the perception that 25 is the new 30 and 30 is the new 40. 40 you might as well eat a gun because there's nothing waiting on the other side of that birthday.

But I add that age is relative and what I typed was in fact American zoomer faggotry.

Have fun with your boxed wine suicide, I'll be in Eastern Europe banging teenagers who have no idea what "a TikTok" even is.

I wouldn't hit on a girl I worked with because I think it'd be awkward if things went wrong. Better off going to a nightclub, bar or concert

>I have no idea how some people can accept that their partners have hooked up with strangers in the past.
Idealistically you would be their only partner but for that to be the case, you would have to start dating each other since like age 14 or 15 and stick together since then which is rare desu. Plus there's the argument that being with only one person your entire life is unnatural. If you're the only person your gf has ever been with, she might be curious and more likely to cheat on you later in life

I'm 40, and your dad is right. Listen to your dad. Find a good girl and get married no older than 30-32 (if male; 25-27 if female). At 28-29 you should really be ready to settle down anyway.

Good luck with that, starting a degree so late is a challenge. Few seem to succeed, hopefully you're motivated. Godspeed, user, and add this cesspool to your hosts file

happy birthday in advance, user

>Tfw 23, been dating my childhood friend and gf for almost 3 years
>want to get married and get land and farm
>have literally not 500$ to my name because I spend all my money or beer and weed
but I still feel okay. I just need to finish that fucking 2 year degree and find a job I can work outside in and not kill my body. Sorry just had to share. I get anxious that I’m fucking my shit up.

Same age as you, and I'm thinking of going back to school.

Nothing I could thought of gave me peace, but better an old man with a degree than an old man without one. Let's do this partner