A recent flood in Brasil killed (so far) 104 people. Show your solidarity to them

A recent flood in Brasil killed (so far) 104 people. Show your solidarity to them.


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My solidarity to Brazilians

Based god wiping brazilians off the earth

btw in the center of the same city, there was a mass robbery (arrastão) happening at the same time
peak Rio


did somebody say based god?

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>Show your solidarity to them.
for what? because they built their shanty town on a slope without putting any water collection system, despite the fact they literally live in a rain forest?
played stupid games - won stupid prizes

*shows solidarity*

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Not saying they deserved it, but those people had it coming. They know landslides happen every year during the rainiest season, but keep building irregular settlements (favelas) in risky landslide prone areas. It's a tragedy and it could've been avoided, but it won't be the last

O Lord, remember the souls of Thy servants who have fallen asleep, our Brasilian brothers and sisters, and all my kinsmen after the flesh: and forgive them all their transgressions voluntary and involuntary, granting them the Kingdom and the partaking of Thy eternal good things and the delight of Thine unending and blessed life.

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I live there, 15 of February of 2022 was an interesting day for sure.

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it's a shame, God bless them, hope the best for them

RIP little brazilbros, I hope at least you didn't have to suffer

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this. what a horrible thing, god rest their souls. i hope in the future they can make better infrastructure to prevent these things.

is your life like being an npc in max payne 3

What's was the ethnicity of the deads ? I hope they are white brazilians

Oh, they suffered, I live in Petrópolis and saw some videos my friends and family were posting, people drawning in mud water and getting taken by the current.
Nah, pretty peaciful citty, just this time of the year that sucks.
They were mostly poor people living in dangerous areas, so most of them were dark-skinned.
White-brazilians are rare in the state of Rio de Janeiro

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Nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello spirito Santo, Amen.
L'eterno riposo dona a loro, o Signore, risplenda ad essi la Luce perpetua, riposino in pace, Amen.
Nel nome del Padre, del Figlio, e dello spirito Santo, Amen.

Grazzie, cugino


We should help these poor people. Sent humanitarian aid to Brazil bros.

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