Australia unironically has the best coffee culture in the world and i'm tired of pretending otherwise

australia unironically has the best coffee culture in the world and i'm tired of pretending otherwise

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megaslag on the left


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all of her shit is just hanging out

Imagine the smell

How doesn't the rest of the world have flat whites? What the fuck do they drink when they want a default coffee a long black?

but is it good for you?

Are all aussie women so unashamed of their panties?

a latte bro

>coffee culture
Yeah I'll take a soy latte


>my mum used to take me to this beautiful tiny narrow cafe all the time when i was a kid
>don't even remember the name of it
i miss you mum

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hipster shit

balkan and italian coffee culture is the best

There's no such thing as "coffee culture." You are a homosexual.

Drinking a fucking coffee doesn't make you any cultured
Tea however

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>balkan coffee
isn't that just turkish coffee

>bean water
>leaf water

Dead mum lol

>hipster shit
exactly this

idk what turkish coffee means in angloshpere, in polish turkish coffee =/= turkish turkish coffee

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dead language lol


>balkan and italian coffee culture is the best
you wanna know who brought it over here