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he announced he had cancer few days ago, it's over sadly

it's over...

We have to continue. For him.

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What timeline is this?? I thought he got killed in 90s?

No pitty for killers



they got to him too bros :(

What's rule (iii)?

??? :/

Garbage 16 year old midwit with a diary tier deep as a puddle level embarrassing "thinker"
I thought I was reading the satire version the first time I read his "work" and then it dawned on me that the current generation that lauds this imbecile is actually that simple minded
Genuine when I say this, if somebody told me it was an undergrad rambling I would have believed them

>Polish troon goes eco-ape and starts demanding the abolishment of technological civilization so he can munch berries in peace
>later shits on left wing for hating American capitalism and it's industrial progress
is it schizophrenia?

>I will never get to mail bomb the Unabomber himself, the most epic prank in the world

You stop at red traffic lights at midnight, don't you?

He's not a trannie. And he disliked the left way before being imprisoned.

He's a troon but suppressed it.

He literally had his mind broken by the CIA with MK Ultra trials

His handwriting is shit


who will watch the trees now?

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you're a terminally online zoomer who hasn't touched a pencil or pen in years, no room at all to complain

He was a lot of things, but not a midwit. You sound incredibly pretentious.
Cool it with the polonophobic remarks, fincel.

Glowie in denial
>In his second year at Harvard, Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alston Chase as a "purposely brutalizing psychological experiment" led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray. Subjects were told they would debate personal philosophy with a fellow student and were asked to write essays detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations. The essays were given to an anonymous individual who would confront and belittle the subject in what Murray himself called "vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive" attacks, using the content of the essays as ammunition.[25] Electrodes monitored the subject's physiological reactions. These encounters were filmed, and subjects' expressions of anger and rage were later played back to them repeatedly.[25] The experiment lasted three years, with someone verbally abusing and humiliating Kaczynski each week.[26][27] Kaczynski spent 200 hours as part of the study.[28]

>Kaczynski's lawyers later attributed his hostility towards mind control techniques to his participation in Murray's study.[25] Some sources have suggested that Murray's experiments were part of Project MKUltra, the Central Intelligence Agency's research into mind control.[29][30] Chase and others have also suggested that this experience may have motivated Kaczynski's criminal activities.[31][32]

reddit's favorite terrorist