
Comino edition

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Hello frens

Bad pussy sub edition

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I was there

Ħasra li timtela bin-nies fis-sajf.

I understood that :D

Vandal island

Diġà naf li din ser tkun ħajta diżastru aktar minn tas-soltu.

I got my coffee and chocolatine on my desk, I'm ready to seize the day.
Based bad pusy btfoing her parent's pride and respect

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Diġà mietet.

Speak proper Arabic.

Ħadd ma bagħat għalik muqran.


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Morning Gents

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I ate too much last night, now I can't eat breakfast and feel sick.

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My gf is Maltese and her and her grandparents always sing some comino song.

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Kieku jkolli tifla w tispiċċa titqaħħab fuq it-televiżjoni, l-ewwel li nagħmel hu naqtagħha mil-wirt.
Imħabba f'Kemmuna?

Having a daughter is a fucking curse nowadays

You can understand what he wrote?

Alla nixxifli ħalqi, ara jien l-anqas biss irrid nassoċja ruħi ma mara, aħseb u ara kemm irrid li jkolli tifla.


Alla nixxifli lsieni*
Dik toqgħod aħjar.