Do they prescribe antidepressants in your country?

Do they prescribe antidepressants in your country?

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pretty sure I'm or have been deperessed but I haven't been to a doctor or a pharmacy in years

in australia, yes. it chemically lobotomised and castrated me and i live on with irreversible brain damage and change in my brain's structure.
i advise people never to take this evil things.

Nobody is really on any drugs, we just go into the forest for some calming effect

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and yes, we will have birds come fly to us

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Yes, but they shouldn't. Someone will never exercise, get 5 hours of sleep a night, eat like shit, never go outside or get sunlight, not have any friends, not have a relationships, not be financially stable, not have a passion or purpose that they work towards, but then they'll think
Morons. Along with the psychs who give them out.

i had a psychotic episode once and was put on antidepressants and antipsychotics, they worked really well so i don't take the antipsychotic anymore

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i envy you. never take them. they permanently destroy your brain. it's a sterilisation program.

Talking to people on SSRIs genuinely feels like talking to an alien. They're so scatterbrained and emotionally stunted. Feel bad for zoomers.

Any mind altering drugs are heavily regulated and doctors are hesitant to proscribe them.
So no.

Not really, it's pretty hard to get a prescription unless you know some psychiatrist that is famous to be an "american-style" one.

I'm on Lexapro. I don't really care about depression. I'm used to it but it helps with my social anxiety.

>social anxiety.

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I'm on Bupropion and it's actually pretty nice, like when I stop taking it I notice I enjoy stuff a little less and feel a bit more flat mood-wise. Way better than SSRIs that just making you feel nothing and I can still get rock hard boners.

Yes, I tried them and they are unironically great. I'd never take SSRIs though, unless they were my last chance

You can meme it as much as you want but when you have trouble even going outside some days then it's real. It's not fun.

>i had a psychotic episode once
what happened/

This garbage literally fries your brain
1 year of fluoxetine treatment lowers in 10 years the average onset age for dementia
It's certainly true for other anti-depressants and anti-psychotics

Yes. When I threatened to not take meds and kms they put me in psychic ward.

Yes. It's one of the reasons why zoomers are so braindead.

He's finn. Don't discard the possibility.