*eats exclusively australians*

*eats exclusively australians*

Attached: 764675567539.png (909x663, 491.82K)

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What do Australians taste like?

Try it.

Attached: Graham.jpg (1061x1280, 98.53K)

Sharks don't eat people. They take one bite mistaking them for another animal and then leave.

Cheap beer and smegma

well chinks have been eating shark fins for a while, i guess its payback time now

This, great whites are actually one of the few species that is fine to dive next to.

Bull sharks are another thing but that’s because they go into such shallow waters and are used to people. But if you dive next to a great white they wont attack unless provoked really

There has never been a shark attack on humans. If a shark actually attacked you, people wouldn't be able to find your fucking corpse.

so all those missing australians were actually eaten?

Good thing the Baltic Sea doesn't have sharks, Finns scared them away


no they were fired from the cia actor program in hollywood made to fool the world into the existence of australia. the earth is flat, australia doesn't exist, own the soyientists.

fuck, this sucks

only animals that see humans as food are siberian tigers and polar bears



based wog cameraman

Some species do.

What eats Finns apart alcoholism?
>the shark
Its me or this shark is smiling?

Bull sharks are just super aggressive and have high testosterone.

>all those comments
are Australians even humans?

They sometimes go up rivers to places where people think it's safe to swim.

most of the comments are bongs and irish for some reason

Theres lots of them in Queensland even up the Brisbane river which goes through the entire city
but people know and its always poo water so nobody swims there anyway

Is there any area in Straya that is safe from deadly animals?

For me, it's the humble Queensland Grouper keeping the water free of sh*rks

Attached: grouper steals shark.webm (640x360, 1.14M)

not really but nothing on land can eat you

Damn. I didn't know groupers can get that big.