Be the most racist guy in France

>Be the most racist guy in France
>STILL enjoy like a kid when your favorite Black Player scores a decisive Goal for your favorite team.

Blacks are literally immune to racism in France kek

Attached: Éric_Zemmour_10-2021.jpg (1200x1602, 387K)

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people here don't like him.

>Blacks are literally immune to racism in France kek

He isn't black, you are schizo posting

Does he have a real chance to win?

How does somebody who looks like that manage to be racist?

Why? Its not exactly that you are most peaefull state on earth

>mbappe isn't Black

they were literally celebrating his goal against Real Madrid yesterday:

Attached: 1490725-mbappe-a-brille-et-sauve-le-psg-ce-mardi-soir-contre-le-real-madrid.jpg (770x513, 117.28K)

he is jewish

because he want to steal your policies?

These people all look fake as fuck, including Zemmour. His recent propaganda videos trying to portray him as a regular guy are uncanny as fuck

>Be the most racist guy in France
>jewish civicnationalist cuck
good goy

dz reconnait dz, paz le chof

Attached: IMG_0080.png (640x480, 35.01K)

Ugly and stupid people tend to prefer class systems based on things such as race or creed so they can bandwagon with the average of their self-defined groups rather than being held accountable for their failings.

The player is black but the supposed racist guy Zemmour isn't black what did you meant by "blacks inmune to racism"?

tell me about this
i don't read french gossip media

Attached: FFE3qS4XIAI-4nX.jpg (706x1082, 108.34K)

supposedly have an affair with her jewish secretary/advisor

>right-wingtard voting for a jew

Attached: 1234.jpg (400x299, 18.86K)

the leftist media here in israel doesn't like him, everybody else does like him

Is he well known at all in Israel?
Do you guys care about French politics at all or is it because he's a jew?

I've heard French Jews have been moving to Israel en masse lately, maybe that's part of it.

The French Republic has black founders, pierre.

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