I'm sick and tired of pretending that Japan isn't soul

I'm sick and tired of pretending that Japan isn't soul.
Go ahead and plop yourself down randomly anywhere in the Tokyo metropolitan area or any city for that matter and you are immediately assaulted by boundless amounts of SOVL

Pic related is a completely random google street view from Tokyo.

Attached: 00f399c8c6dbc8f043bf19d064a3bb02.jpg (2551x1277, 1.71M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I am Japan.

Attached: 224-2243649_japanese-food-clipart-eye-anime-eyes-clipart-png.jpg (840x555, 98.75K)

Everybody hates weebs because they know they are right.

>asphalt in america
>asphalt, JAPAN

Attached: 546.jpg (680x653, 106.26K)

EA cities have the theme park feel Western cities have. It's the anti-thesis of sovl.

Stop living in denial, the one word that describes this view best is SOVL
It was picked totally randomly.
Imagine having a drink at your house with your buddies some nice summer evening and then walking out to a nice little restaurant or a pub next door to have a bite and drink some more.

Attached: c46a407e4799dc7c854ad2ef63e14133.jpg (1976x1199, 1.44M)

I had no idea Japan was so sovlful.

Attached: sovlful.png (1920x953, 2.39M)

Why is the ground all distorted like that, is it because of all the sovl?

Those windows are absolutely terrible though.
There is no room at all.
As much as I hate window planning in russian buildings this japanese building is complete shit.

True that. Oddly small windows. Maybe it's for privacy.

above pic:
>the same 5 companies having signs so tall and spindly that all 12 people in the 100-mile radius around it can notice it and fill up their tanks

bottom pic:
>hundreds of small independent companies, businesses, artists, etc advertising themselves in an assault on your senses

no comparison, sorry

I just love how it's all so clean and organized, which is the complete opposite of most brazilian cities.

This but unironically. Bottom is objectively superior and better for people (and their SOVL)

its a forcefield to protect the american driver from what would be a fatal overdose of soul

that look rather generic, japan had soul in the 90s (well and 80s maybe), 60s-70s weren't as bad either

that is probably an alluvial fan

Japan has the Soul of Med countries but the Order of Northern Euro countries.


that look rather chaotic

Attached: P1030483.jpg (1600x1200, 500.8K)

Experience the crowd on a train that goes around central Tokyo.

Not as bad as you think. Tokyo is split into many small cities like Shibuya, Kita and so, then it's subdivided by the town in that city.
So its basically a bunch of towns that all grew to be equally connected, which then grew to become the greater Tokyo Area. Since Tokyo itself is a city in that area.

thats every megapolis, ahmed (the very definition in fact)

tokyo used to have large canals and rivers going through it but they covered over most of them

I can't keep pretending that this isn't true