This kills the Western Europe civilization

>This kills the Western Europe civilization

Attached: takbir.jpg (1080x1080, 252.89K)

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Just make pork food mandatory in french schools

No, they are just following their animalistic nature. The bad student that got kicked out of 109 schools is the one that invited these creatures to Europe.

whites killed my civilization first.

africans/nafris in puffer jackets rlly are the modern equivalents of roman-era barbarians


Nafris look based, I would get along with them

Seething frogoid, those are the true owners of France and there's nothing that you could do about it

Attached: images - 2021-12-26T043901.194.jpg (679x452, 28.81K)

this is all it took to bring down the feared western man..

based ADF Samski

Only two of them dont look native french to me

das rite, we dindu nuffins



It's funny how we're treated as white or non-white according to the situation

Second from left is a nerd ass looking nigga

Nerd thugs are usually the most dangerous in a clique because they're the ones that usually plan stuff for the group to do their antics without getting caught. They can be agressors, but also clever enough to blend into the masses

nafris single handedly brought the french sperm count back to normal levels

To any healthy native European this image only causes repulse and willingly to puke. Those represent the image of what our antagonists are,and they are probably the grandfathers of those brown mutts that will fight against our grandsons in the future European Civil War from 2064-2122.

Literally all you need to do is get jacked and or own a big dog. They fucking shit themselves at the sight of even a puppy lmaooooooo

Pssh: i'll whisper a lil secret on your ear
*they have dogs TOO. Usually Pitbulls/German Shepherds*

t. Lives in the ghetto

Have sex

A french ghetto lmfao hard to be intimidated when all the hard men are wearing stripey shirts and berets and cycling everywhere lol watch out for the baguettes and gingerbreadmen

>he thinks the incels on this board will ever have grandchildren

that kills any civilization

In my experience in London some of them do but for the most part it's a complete fucking Muslim repellent.

I'll be walking down the street with my dog and the moment a Paki spots him they'll RUN to the other side of the street or literally turn around and walk in the other direction.

We created PerĂº. We created your civilization. YoU an go back to the jungle life if you wish

In a culture build around """honor""" how can their parents not feel ashamed at their hellspawn