Is LOTR popular in your country? Are people excited for the new show?

Is LOTR popular in your country? Are people excited for the new show?

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Lmao they didnt learn from star wars did they?
shitting on the original content and trying to diversify it to attract a bigger audience doesnt work, it will only scare away the established fan base and (financially) flop in the end

I dont care that it has black ppo in it because its fantasy anyway i just think lotr is boring as fuck

it has nothing to do with profit its made to culturally rape and pummel everything european into the ground and turn it to dust

There's wokeshit alarms that tickle my cringe sensor, even black influencors here dont get the point of having blacks dwarves.

Nothing wrong with diversity. It comes down to writing and execution. Star wars was a piss take where JJ and Rian thought they were too big to fail.

This will be shit, but not because of diversity.

Its complicated

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learned my lesson with star wars vii
like the great thinker bush said: fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... you can't get fooled again


Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.

“Злo нe мoжeт coздaть нeчeгo нoвoгo, oнo мoжeт тoлькo иcпopтить и paзpyшить тo, чтo изoбpeли или coздaли дoбpыe cилы" - J.R.R.Tolkien

So inspiring thanks

diversity wouldnt be a problem if they had a cool series about the Easterlings or Rhun, something with the blue wizards
Shoehorning non-white people in the lore that is basically about (north) europe is just weird
The same like making a series about some mythical sub saharan tribe but shoehorning white people in there
Does feel so

This, most of the fans are from white countries. Like the only rock opera to celebrate LOTR is russian

chink hands wrote this post

Proper "diversity" would be them making their own fantasies and hijacking ours. Thanks to "leftists" I want to puke everytime I read and hear diversity & inclusion (tm).

And not hijacking*

Friendly reminder not to watch this. Giving it views directly equates to giving it support.
If you insist on ragewatching it like a retard, at least torrent it, but know you're still part of the problem.

LOTR has been spiritually dead for a long tine.

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based russian spammers fighting the brown skin menace

Why cant dwarves be tall as well.since they dont give a shit about anything anymore, bring the aliens as well and ufo battleships please.

Lots Of Turd Retconning there, hmmmh?

no and no
literally who gives a shit, why do you even give a fuck? suspicially racist from what it seems

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he's not wrong, they could've made a subplot about muh strong easternling wyman fighting vs sauron's corruption, but no, they had to turn elves into niggers

What's the point of a subplot tho

quit projecting you racism, you racist nerd

a white guy with dread locs is culture appropriation and therefore bad, destroying one of the most lucrative cinema franchise for more inclusivity is le good.

It's not like they are making Aragon and gimli black while having gay sex. Get a grip
Any once again a shitalion says something completely fucking retarded.
Glad you put leftist in quotes but you are sounding to much like a Any Forumsetard. Have sex.

I swear everything touched by am*ricans gets corrupted, twisted and muttified

white ppo: ayo dragons and wizards and shit wahooo this is so coooll this is my evropean heritage

Also white ppo: wait is t-t-that a BLACK guy wizard? Oh no this is totally ahistorical and unbelievable

exploring more of the arda world?
what's the point of the serie if you don't care about this things then

To extand the lore and justify why there could be black characters in a world that seemed to have none and all of a sudden they are everywhere, like parasites.

Amazing book soulless films

This. It's not even a documentary, lord knows how many brits made Roman movies and we didn't chimp out like this

what are you talking about, schizo
if you think this is "destroying" a cinema franchise you're an idiot, it sells millions
unless with "destroying" you mean "they added blacpipo and i don't lile that cuz i'm racist and i wnat them all white" that is

Jesus christ is depicted as a white man ib churches across european to the extent that his disciples even wear western clothes and stuff

If black people wrote novels and we cast white people in the film they'd start rioting.

Seethe chud. If you wanted to be portrayed in the series you could take up acting instead of whining like a bitch

Evil cannot create :)

it would depend on the context of the film, if race was actually important somehow in the film then of course it would be awful
this is not the case at all, it's racist whining


No they wouldn't
It'd just be black chuds on twitter freaking out instead of white chuds on Any Forums

Also mate theyre elves and hobbits. Why does it matter if they are white?


>Muuuh schizo
Lmao, youre just a consoomer, you have no understanding whatsoever, no wonder the flag.

im simply not watching it. why does this make you seethe?

> no, you're seething


What is your problem ? You have no arguments so you call people chuds out of the blue you think you are le based ?

but it is, tolkien was autistic about describing each race. you might not care but you can't claim it's irrelevant to the lore that now we have basketball american elves

New worlders just dont understand

i don't consume jack shit lol if anything the consoomer here is you, you're the fanboy of this movie series and whine when black people are now on it
>you have no understanding whatsoever, no wonder the flag
projecting your racism once again i see



i stopped seething after the first star wars sequel. now i simply don't care
now go and consume your forgettable focus groups approved flick

loved lotr, quietly accepted the hobbit, not shure if i want to see this.

t. Racist

You know, if they really wanted to shove in diversity quotas they could at least do it with some moderation and nuance, but instead they just went all out with this hilariously blatant GIGA NIGA FACE taking half of the poster
I hope it flops horribly, but then again it's not like Bezos has to worry about costs

it's fantasy, not real life, changing the races of the characters means jack shit
schizoid rambling

> noo you can't slam on chud like me

Is it not a massive cinema and theatre tradition to reimagine stories?

Like how shakespeare's plays originally had women played by men but today this isnt the case?
Or how scarface was originally about an italian mobster but became about a cuban coke dealer

Im just not going to watch it, simple as

tolkien is pretty much the only one that set up an entire world with even consistent grammar rules for elvish language
just say that you don't care about source material and just want to shove niggers in

>you're the fanboy of this movie series
Implying lol, you dont have to be a fan to see how they forced inclusivity instead of giving a justification of their presence in the scenario, there are brown people in lotr : the ones riding elephants and nobody cried about it, why not bringing another race with dark skin or whatever instead of forcing an inclusivity that isnt making any sense in the universe, women dwarves are supposed to have beard as well, where is it ?